Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Up and At'em Army Goodell!!!

"Our Girl" needs some extra prayers NOW!
She has really been struggling with abdominal pain that has been so great that she has returned to her pain meds for relief. The pain has caused her to retreat to her comfy chair with her constant companion mousse, adorning her lap. She has been so excited about not needing any pain medication the past few weeks and is a bit discouraged. However, she still has that smile that I can even hear over the phone;)
It is undisputed that Robynn has changed us forever and how we view many things. I was especially reminded of her grace and courage when I was sick these past few days. I don't mean puny, I mean Sick(with a capital S;) As I agonized, moaned,groaned and whined(I'll leave out the gory details) I was struck by this single thought,"how did Robynn endure such pain and suffering for months on end and I can't handle 4-5 days"? What a WUSS, I thought! I was embarrassed in my own room with no one watching! My next thought...
Put your BIG Girl Panties on and deal with it!!!

On a serious note, please give Our Lord some extra prayer time for Robynn. You always seem to know exactly what to say, so get to it!

Hebrews 12:2-3
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (NIV)

Pray On!

PS. Please keep Cathy Powers in your prayers as she is starting her fight against breast cancer that has spread to her lymph nodes. Please include her children, Michael and Megan in your prayers as well.


Anonymous said...

Oh darn! Darn that tummy pain! Robynn, you are OF COURSE in our thoughts and prayers - every day - all throughout the day - so YES we will keep you there and work even harder at it!

And Shelley, you are only human, Girl! It's okay to feel sorry for yourself while feeling like crud!

As I was reading the end of your post and finding out that there is yet another family that needs prayers, I was reminded of how many people we all know who could use a few extra! There's little Jonah (what a cutie!), and Barley continuing to fight her battle, etc. And for me personally, I have a girlfriend who just lost her 18 year-old-son (Yes, beyond horrible)- and I know there are soooo many more out there in need of support.

So my suggestion is that in addition to the people listed on this blog, Army Goodell, why don't we just shoot out a BIG batch of prayers, good wishes, happy thoughts or WHATEVER you are comfortable with and wish good things for ALL of those who we know and love and need a bit of extra TLC!

I have no doubt that we can do this! You take care Sweet Robynn :)

:) Kim

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shelley for the heads up! You make a good point, for all of the times we've felt under the weather it is a fraction of the time Miss Robynn has had endure.

Now that we know what we need to do we'll get goin' without further ado.

You take good care Miss Robynn we've got our prayers ready to go, just do whatever it takes to keep you comfy and without pain.
Sending our hugs-n-prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

We're on our knees. Bless you dear Robynn & Brian. You're just going to have to kick its butt again.

Anonymous said...

Was just thinking of you all today and how well it has been going. Had to remind myself to stop and send good thoughts and prayers your way as I was putting together my new 1st grade classroom. Then I saw the post and was reminded why it so important not to get bogged down with chores and to take time to do the things that mean the most to me. For my kids Shelley, your post meant that mom finally stopeed worrying about "her" stuff and took the kids up the mountain for a hike. Robynn, I will be sending those good thoughts your way and looking forward to hearing about tomorrows great day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn,

I saw you on the news promoting Mamaderie and wanted you to know how beautiful you looked! You spoke so eloquently and I had tears in my eyes! Bree did an amazing job, too! I hope you had a wonderful evening with all of the people who love you so much! Your little girl looked so precious and just may grow up to be America's Next Top Model! :) I wish I could have been there to support you, but you and your gorgeous family were in my heart.

My brother has a Ph.D in Neurology and is currently working on his post doc at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. His girlfriend worked on the human genome project for several years and is now going through the Physician's Assistant program. Why am I telling you this? Because A: I want to brag about my little bro (just kidding) and B: I wanted to tell you how often they talk about the amazing strides they are making in medical research every day! New therapies, alternative treatments, cell and gene isolation, etc. etc.! They've come SO far and make medical breakthroughs ALL THE TIME! Whether is be drug therapy, surgery, the healing powers of animals (hang on tight to little Mousse), the pure love of your family, the power of laughter, positive visualization, or divine intervention, there is so much to be hopeful about. I know you were chosen to endure this because you are remarkable and will beat it!

Keep rallying through the sickest of days and rejoice in the moments when you feel like yourself again. Stay happy, hopeful, and smiling that gorgeous smile!

Anonymous said...

Tonight and every night I pray for ALL of God's children who are experiencing any pain in their lives. I know that I cannot even begin to understand the pain that so many people out there in the big world are going through. And for the friends of Kim, who lost their 18 year old son...(I just cannot even fathom) I pray, I pray for God to help heal their hearts. We are all so very blessed! And I thank you God for my many, many blessings! Please Lord be with all your children who are struggling..those who are hurting...those who need your comfort and your guidance! Thank you God for every single precious moment that we have. We offer all of it up to you Lord! Thank you...thank you!
God bless you all!

Debbie Doo said...

Something made me check the blog tonight before I head off to bed. My prayers and positive thoughts for Robynn are on their way. And like Kim suggested, special attention to all the others in need, too!

Anonymous said...

The degree of strength and love of our Lord is beyond what we are able to comprehend. Our ongoing, simple trust in the Lord further exposes His glorious grace to us.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are enroute to Cathy Powers and her children. Robynn we hope you are feeling better today as our prayers have been inundating(sp) heaven. Loved the post from Wendy Grider. Reminds us of all the positive breakthroughs in the medical community. We need to remember that and to keep our prayers strong for you Robynn, and your family. Continue to stand STRONG. We love you.

Anonymous said...



Jonah's camp ON DUTY!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows Cathy Powers, please tell her she can contact me anytime to talk, cry, whatever. My cell is 916-835-6364. Tell her I am going on my 7th year of Stage IV breast cancer that was in my lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and breast. I have had over 200 chemotherapy sessions. She can go to my website: www.barleyparrish.com
I hope this gives her hope as she goes through this difficult time. Love to all. Barley Parrish

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Big Girl Panties! We all need them from time to time. :) Robynn, I am agreeing and believing that you will have comfort and peace. Stand strong girl! Remember:

Kellie Stroud :)

Michelle & Emma & Philip said...

I hope you find comfort and the pain subsides quickly. Know that you're in our hearts each and every day and if we could take any of the pain away and carry the burden ourselves, we would. And, I know that I say "we" because I know your supporters would.

Keep your chin up and know we love you!

Anonymous said...

Jared, Ari and I are doubling up on our prayers for you. You're a very strong and brave daughter. Very, very proud of you.

melriz said...

Oh Bean!
I need to open a can of whoop a** on that tummy pain of yours. We need to keep your smiles like you had Saturday around ALL the time.
Just a lil bump in the road that's all, no worries lady..

Love U!
p.s. love the dress you had on...he he...

Unknown said...

Hey There ~ so, when I read the update last night, I immediately thought about the devotional I had read earlier in the day. I quoted the verse again to remind Him of his promises to us. Sorry that I couldn't post anything before this evening; however, I’m confident that you are already feeling better. I will give you the scripture and devotional anyway, in the event you'd like to refer to it another time. :o)

The LORD has comforted His people and will have compassion on His suffering ones.
Isaiah 49:13

"Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity. Out of pain and problems have come the sweetest songs, the most poignant poems, the most gripping stories, and inspiring lives.

Yet it is hard to think about this when troubles overwhelm us or uncertainty and fear grip our hearts. Our problems are real, and it is difficult in the heat of the moment to think of anything else.

Our oldest daughter married a Swiss, and they often spend their summers in Switzerland. Sometimes we have visited them there and have gone soaring above the countryside on chair lifts high in the Alps. Looking down we can see almost a carpet of wild flowers, some of the most beautiful in the world. Only a few months before, those plants were buried under heavy snow. Yet that snow prepared the way for their growth-providing them with water, and even insulating them from the winter winds. Our burdens can be like that snow, preparing the way for something beautiful once the winter is past." (Taken from "HOPE FOR EACH DAY", by Billy Graham)

I was going to try and summarize this, but, decided that I wouldn’t do it justice and just didn't want to leave anything out. Isn’t this so true?? However, thank goodness He has compassion on His suffering ones. :) He was with you last night and is still with you right now. I am confident that this minor set back, (which when you look how far you’ve come, is absolutely nothing other than that!) is only temporary and in the end, the miracle of your complete healing will be the only thing you will remember! ;o) You got this Robynn ~ you got this!! So many standing in the gap for you! (As well as all the others in our community etc who are in need of a touch from our Lord and Savior.)

I'm going to leave you with a quote I came upon that reminded me of the one and only you! “When we allow God the privilege of shaping our lives, we discover new depths of purpose and meaning. What a joyful thought to realize you are a chosen vessel for God – perfectly suited for His use.” -Joni Eareckson Tada

Have I told you lately how much you inspire me? Victory through Perseverance my friend! Looking forward to seeing you VERY soon! :oD

Anonymous said...

I was just sitting here reading through the blogs and saying to myself that this has got to be the greatest show of support and faith that I have ever seen. I find myself on a emotional roller coaster with every entry and every comment that is entered. While reading the entries you can't help but shoot up prayers of thanks and prayers of hope and pleading to make it all better. Then I think to myself that God has given you the emense oppurtunity to be able to reach out to so many with these sites and the fundraisers and show them just how AWESOME our GOD is and how AWESOME your FAITH in him is. I have been able to see the power of prayer first hand in your push through this and over the past year with my father in law. He was diagnosed last May ('07) with colon cancer and (his surgeon) gave him 3 months to live. A couple of months ago we walked with him in the survivor walk at the Relay for Life in Bakersfield where he lives. After numerous tests, PET and bone scans they have been unable to find any trace of cancer. With that being said we lift you up to God because he truly is an AWESOME GOD!!!

Stay STRONG and lean on us all that is why we are here.

Anonymous said...

That is inspiring, Tracy R. Thanks so much for sharing :) Like that commercial says...nobody has an expiration date stamped on the bottom of their foot. Advances in medicine are happening EVERY SINGLE DAY! So everyone out there battling an illness, stay strong and keep the faith!! And God please continue to guide us all and especially all of those wonderful doctors and researchers out there working so hard to make these advances...please help them in their quests. Robynn, STAND STRONG!! We are all with you!! You have a very special place in all of our hearts! For all of those on the prayer list!! Stay Strong and God Bless you!!!

P.S. Cathy..call Barley! (Barley, thanks so much for the invite into your battle :) You are in our Prayers!