Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chemo Resumes Today

Please pray that her body is tolerable of today's chemo administered through her new port as it works to heal our sweet Robynn.

Ephesians 4:16
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (NIV)

Pray On!


brandy said...

We are praying for you Robynn!!!
We are really, really praying!!!
Hang in there. We are begging God to give you the strength you need. We are STANDING with you!
God Bless,

TerBear said...

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."

- Robert Louis Stevenson


I check on baby Jonah's site each day after I check yours. I read your post the other day of encouragement and hope for Jonah and his family. I was so touched. I read and re-read your words. What makes the words so powerful is that they are coming from you. The woman who has had her world turned upside down. The woman whose faith is such a shining example.

The quote above reminded me of you. Cancer has dealt you a “poor hand” but you are "playing that hand" with unbelievable strength and faith.

"With God ALL things are possible." May you continually move toward complete healing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn :)

Hoping the healing process is going well and that the resumed chemo continues to work its wonders! :)


Sheryl said...

Praying on in Michigan!

Unknown said...

FORTITUDINE VINCIMUS my friend. You will have that victory! Know it, believe it, live it!

Have I told you lately how much you inspire me?? Think of you often. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better sweet Robynn! You will get through this!

I love you!!!

Love, hugs, and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Alrighty there Sweet Robynn...prayers for strength,endurance,restoration,ren-ewal,health/wellness....& no yuckies!!! Also, we're sending caring,supportive & loving thoughts of friendship...take good care!

In friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

Yes, SO touched by Robynn's personal "visit" to Jonah. Chemo without side effects? Complete healing? Jonah had a 0% chance of survival. So I'm asking for a sky's-the-limit miracle! And praying for mercy if He has a different plan.

Can someone please let me know Robynn's favorite color? I have a "heaven" bracelet and I let the colors remind me to pray for different people. I call it my "Carole" bracelet because of a friend who loved the bracelet and gave many to others, loved to tell people about heaven and couldn't wait to go. She got to go there early following a brutal attack in her home (leaving behind a husband and three children.)

"And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any mourning or crying, or pain." (Rev. 21:4) The crystal colors in this handmade bracelet represent the beautiful colored stones of the City of Heaven. Chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem, the place that is being prepared for us.

If you want to see them, go to

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to post Cathy Powers blog page, because I just really feel that God can hear all of those amazing voices of Army Goodell...and I bet Cathy would feel just a little better knowing that she is in your prayers. So if any of you would like to visit her blog it is

I am computer I probably am not sending it right.

Robynn, I really hope you are feeling better. You have just really touched so many lives and you just have brought so many of us together. Thank you Robynn for bringing us all closer to God and helping us renew and strengthen our faith.
God Bless you! Give your family a big hug for all of us back in Bako and have them give you a great big one back!

Tonya Sandoval said...

Hey girl,
Sorry for the huge gap in blog comments from the Sandoval family. It certainly doesn't mean that we haven't been thinking about you. We went to Santa Barbara last week and had a great time with the girls. We got in one last trip before the shcool year starts. YIKES! It all starts again in a week and a half. Hope you are hangin in there with the new port. Sure wish it wasn't so uncomfortable.
Love ya!
Tonya Sandoval & Family