Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More to Pray about....

I got this from Brandy;

Shelley, Can I request some prayers??? First...My grandmother's brother Earl passed away last week....she is now 2 out of 12 left. He was 80 years old...My grandma, Bertha had to leave Roger (Angiosarcoma) and Aunt Judy to go to his funeral and care for his family for a bit...She is an 89 year old Florence Nightingale...Tonight my mother called and my dad's brother Bill who has Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia is in the hospital with a Pulmonary Embolism in his lung...an apparent side effect from a trial medication he was on...so the trial had to stop. Anyhow...if you could please keep them in your prayers...It would be so very appreciated. In fact shoot up some prayers for all of God's children....No matter how bad we have it at times...there is always someone out there going through something even worse....God please be with all your children...give us all strength and guidance to get through whatever it is that you have planned for us. ....and thank you for all of our blessings. HUGS TO HEAVEN!!!!

Please also pray for;

Garrett Hansen(remember praying for Nick Hansen...this is his grandson) who was born yesterday and has been placed on a respirator.

Steve Schneider(Tims step-dad) who fell and broke his hip and is rehabilitating at HealthSouth.

Hailey Rae who chipped a bone in her ankle yesterday:( So sad about missing the beginning of soccer season.

Brian's back is still causing him much pain.

That my friend Sherry Frith can stay out of the hospital and they get her pain managed.

The Escalante family who lost Randy.

Jan Jay has been dealing w/ colon cancer and now has terminal cancer on the lining of the abdomen. We need a miracle for this one!

That Santos and Mrs Sullivan continue to heal.

and last but not least, pray for Baby Joshua and ALL who are in need of our prayers!

Psalm 63:1-2O
God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Brandy I will certainly be praying for all of you-keep your eyes upwards and may our Lord give you peace.
12 children-wow eeee I am one of only 3 and I have only 3 kids.

Shelley thank you for all the up dates and consider it done with my prayers going up.

An update in my friend Julie Martin-well let me just tell you that the cancer is not keeping her down and she will work in the classroom at pre-school on the scheduled work day for her grand daughter-WHAT A BLESSING AND A MIRACLE-pray for her to have the right amount of time to give all of us memories.

My grand daughter Alexa will be one on Sept.14th and this past monday she was episode free for 35 weekS. PRAISE OUR LORD FOR HIS MIRACLE IN HER.

Praying in hope and in love,
Solider Miss Denise

Hailey Rae I am sorry for your delay in starting scocer-Brian keep resting and I am praying for your back to get better.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord touch all of these wonderful people!

Anonymous said...

Hi there shelley,
I was praying for all of our dear friends and I thought that I would check and see what you could post as an up date on baby Joshua?

Brian how is your back and I sure hope it is getting better-it is the pits with pain.

I had soooo much fun seeing Joan and Enni at Victoria's baby shower.
I got caught up on you all and how is my Hailey Rae doing and she able to play soccer?
Brady how is school my friend?

I love you all and I am praying in hope and in love,
Solider Miss Denise

P.S. how is the Army Goodell doing-I hope this finds you all well.
God Bless and keep you all.

Anonymous said...

I know this most be a hard weekend for all of you, but most especially Brian. I am thinking of you and remembering the beautiful post written last year. I pray for your strength these next few weeks. Hug your Brady and Hailey a little tighter and know that "army Goodell" keeps you close to their hearts.
Kelly K