Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hold Brian up!

Today would have been Brian and Robynn's 12th wedding anniversary. Please pray for my brother as this will be such a difficult day.
I remember how beautiful Robynn looked(as always) and the tears of Joy that ran down her face as we presented her with her wedding gift from Brian, a diamond tennis bracelet before the ceremony. She was overwhelmed because she didn't need any other gift than marrying Brian. That was the greatest gift she could get in her eyes. She was just that simple, and that made her a magnet of love!
I ask that you please post a comment so that Brian will feel the love and support from all of "Army Goodell "
Thank you Kelly K for remembering:)

Romans 8:26
The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Pray On!


Debbie Doo said...

Brian: I wish there was a way to take away the sadness and pain. You and Robynn have a life well-lived and you that will never change.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and Prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Robynn gave so much to so many. Stand proud that you were the one she chose to spend her time with. Im sorry this time was cut short, but I know you cherish the memories and the children and hopefully this will help get you through this difficult day.

Anonymous said...

I hope today you will be able to remember the special times you've had together with Robynn and know that you will be together again one day. Until that day, I hope you find comfort in the memories of Robynn, the company of friends, and the love of your beautiful children. Blessing to you, Brian.

Unknown said...

Hey Brian~ Just wanted you to know that we are thinking about all of you. . . Yesterday you were heavily on my mind; but, I just wasn't able to get on line. . . reading the blog right now, helped me to understand. Please know that our Lord and Robynn are watching over you. Even though I wasn't able to send you a note, you and the kids were placed on my heart and I continued to lift you up through out the day. (I'm sure I wasn't the only one either.) Brian understand that times like these require patience and strength, and you may be wondering how you'll manage. We may not have the answers now, but you have so many who are here for you. While we can't take away your pain, we hope the support and love of all of us who care for you help give you the strength you need from day to day. We love you and miss you the kids and Robynn very much. You are not alone. Big Hugs to all of you.

live2jett said...

Dear Brian,
I believe that love does not stop when one person leaves this world..I believe that this is a temporary seperation...It still does not take away the sadness or the pain of wanting to be with your wife on this very special day. I pray that Robynn is able to send her love to you and her children today...Thank you for sharing your wife with us strangers:)Debbie Jett

Anonymous said...

It makes me smile thinking of you and Robynn on your wedding day. Robynn, always the most beautiful girl in the room, you must have been breathless. And her tears of Joy when she opened your special gift, what beautiful memories you two have created.

Anonymous said...

The love the you and Robynn shared is a love for all of us to strive for. Hang in there. She is beaming down on all of you from heaven.
We miss you guys!
Lots of love,
Rebekah,J.T., Jacob, & Mateo

Anonymous said... prayers are with you on such a difficult day. I'm sure she is smiling down at you and wants you to remember that day, as one of many happiest days of both of your lifes

Anonymous said...


When you spoke about Robynn, even a little mention, you spoke in a manner that captured respect, conviction, joy and a love that shined through your heart. You are a life loving husband and father, as all of us are so grateful we came to know both you and your beautiful Robynn and your wonderful children!
Today we all pray for strength and rejoice for the power that you both demonstarted in your loving relationship...

Tracy Randall said...

Brian, "I can only imagine" how this day must have felt. Robynn was and is an extraordinary person. We were all blessed to have been able to call her friend and you to be able to call her your wife, friend and mother of your two wonderful children. I hope you were able to relish in the memories of all the happiness and joy she brought to you and so many others. Know that you are in our prayers and not alone. Please find your strength in God's love and love of family and friends. Hug those kids and stay strong as she watches over you.

Sheila Bair said...

Brian, there have always been people who continue to impact the world long after they have left it. Though I didn't have the honor of meeting your Robynn, I know she is one of those people who will continue to bring life and joy to others...through you and your children! Praying for God to be especially good to you!

Anonymous said...

Brian I think of you and the kids so often. I only met Robynn once but she exuded such goodness & kindness. I can't imagine your pain. I pray for your strength & peace for all of you.