Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A New Hurdle

Well, the port might be "in", but it's causing a pain of its own for Robynn. My understanding is they literally have to make a "pocket" within her muscle/tissue in her chest to accommodate the device. The soreness comes every time she lifts her arm, turns her neck etc. Amazing how everything connects within our bodies and how something like this reminds us so vividly:( She is on a rigid schedule for pain meds to try and stay ahead of the game and hopes this heals in a hurry! Her tummy problems have subsided, leaving room for this new intrusion to have the spotlight all to itself;)

Please continue to pray for peace and comfort!

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

I remember this when my mom was being treated. It does get better, and I think it will be worth it when your initial discomfort subsides. I'll be thinking about you all and hoping that this ends as quickly as possible. Robynn's courage and the amazing generosity of the people who surround her, continue to inspire me! I often think about your photos and how eveytime they get posted, there is always a handful of shots with you holding hands with someone. I like that image. You surrounded by a family that so obviously adores you...holding hands with your mom, your husband, or your father-in-law. You are one very loved lady!!!

Anonymous said...

We'll I sure hope that healing will occur quickly, we don't want Robynn to feel any more discomfort than she has already gone through.

Prayers,hugs, & healing thoughts are on the way!!!

In friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers each and every day. Continue to keep fighting and hanging in there.

Brad Goodell

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn, Doing my morning routine...computer on...enter "j" to check on Jonah, then "r" for Robynn. I have a best friend who had breast cancer (34 when diagnosed, with two little girls.) I asked her to pray for you as soon as I learned about you. I know she will know exactly how to pray now. Perhaps you might lift her up as well that she would remain cancer-free. Her name is Marci. As I beg God for a miracle for you, I am mindful that life is not about our comfort or happines, but becoming more and more like Christ--to love and serve God with everything we have and everything we are. As Jesus anguished in the garden, He begged the Father for another way, but each time He realigned Himself to the Father's will. That passage comforts me to know that even Jesus struggled in that moment as we do in our lives. As the Mexico pictures keep playing, I am thankful for you to truly have an "army" of love and support. What an amazing family! I pray that God will use your story to show the importance and blessing of "family" (especially being in God's family.) I pray that God will show you now some of the miracles He is doing through your suffering. I pray that the port site will heal very quickly, and I will continue to pray ultimately for a complete healing miracle--THIS side of eternity! I wish I could meet you. God bless you this day. Love, Sheila

Michelle & Emma & Philip said...

I can't even begin to imagine the constant pain you are enduring. But, you are enduring! Stay strong and know that your body does miraculous things.... it keeps proving it's strength.

I hope you heal quickly and your body adapts soon and all of your discomfort is soon a thing of the past.

Know that you're constantly in our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Robynn :)

Well I think Shelley calling this a new hurdle is perfect - I mean you are a runner! - so yes, the pain meds might be necessary for a bit but you will be up and ready to go again as soon as your body takes in this new gadget. My sister Susie has gone through "new gadgets" many times and made it through just fine.

Allow yourself the time to heal although I know it's hard to be patient and look forward to feeling better. I hope today is less painful than the day before and that the pain quickly lessens more and more each day.

Love, Kim :)

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you!!!!!
Lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn - As I read my bible this morning thinking of you, I was reminded of Paul's words in Philippians telling us to pray with thanksgiving in every situation. Wow, that's easier said than done. But try we must! I pray for your comfort and peace and am thankful for your lovely life in this world.
God Bless you and your family.
Love, Sharon
P.S. Shelley, thank you for the updates. You too are a lovely life in this world and I thank God for it.

Anonymous said...

Robynn, sorry to hear about the pain, glad your stomach is feeling better. A friend of mine had on put in last weeek and siad it wasn't any fun. Lots of prayers and love from Jared, Ari and me.

Heidi said...

The first week with your new baby will be the worst. I pray the pain goes away quickly, it will pay off with the port! I promise! Hang in there and try to stretch your neck as much as you can so you don't get scar tissues built up around your neck/shoulder muscles! Hang in there

Anonymous said...

Robynn. I'm so sorry to hear about the pain you're now having to endure with the new Port. I had one for about a year, and believe me, you do adjust. And think about the wonderful day when you get to have it removed! I wear my scar as a badge of honor......I pray for you and your family everyday.

God bless you and your family. Pam Leyte

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Robynn....we all love you!!

The Schneiders

melriz said...

Hey Bean!
Sorry to hear about your arm pain. Hang in there sweetie!

Love Missy!
ps. got the pics back from mamaraderie and there are so cute, will send to your email once I get them loaded!

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend -
Robynn I am soo sorry for your pain from the port.Rest and let your body get used to it...Keep your eyes upwards with your wonderful spirit and outlook.I am praying in hope and love for you.
Brin and and Sehly and the kids I am thinking of you all--I have not written as often due to the factin 16 days we leave on our missions trip to Nicaragua(a team of 13 and I am so excited and busy as well as my hubbie)but believe me when I say I am praying daily for you always and know how proud you make me with your courage and fight.
I love you all,
Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear that the port is painful, glad to hear the tummy is better. I'll be thinking about you.

Here's an idea - how 'bout naming the port? Taking into consideration your adoration for chocolate combined with your penchant for the color brown and the fact that this port is now a part of you, may I suggest "Chip", as in Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip? You're the cookie, port is the chip...

Here's hoping for no more pain from Chip...
