Friday, June 19, 2009

A Gift to Remeber

On June 7th I turned 40. This was tough for multiple reasons, but the biggest was that Kelly, Raji and I had BIG plans for our 40th's. We always do something super cool for each other , but this year was gonna be bigger and better. I knew those plans had changed when she passed, but was unprepared for the emptiness I felt having a birthday without her and Robynn. The excitement they both expressed over their loved ones birthdays, was truly something to be missed. I expressed my sadness and unwillingness to celebrate without her to Kelly's parents and I knew they understood. Enough self's the best part...
Remember Robynn's Prayer quilt? The one Kelly was frantic to get finished in a couple days because Robynn was gravely ill and we were unsure if she would be around to see this precious gift and be comforted by it? Yes, I know you know the one. Well, after Robynn's passing Brian had reiterated Aunt Robynn's wishes to give Cal all her beloved coats and jackets and anything out of her closet that she wanted. Cal said she wasn't ready to do that, but looked forward to a day when she was emotionally able. He then asked if there was anything I wanted and I replied, "all I want is the prayer quilt Kelly made for her". "It's yours" he said. I was thrilled and immediately asked where it was. It was not in the box Kelly had sent it in. We found the box, but no blanket. He assured me he would find it and get it to me. Weeks passed and I asked if he had run across it and he said, no. When packing up his house for their move back to Bakersfield, I figured he'd for sure find it, but now he wondered if it had been left behind in Texas. I was beside myself and whenever the thought of not finding it crossed my mind, I burst into tears. This reality was overwhelming and my sadness & despair was deep and dark. I was prepared to call every listed phone number for MD Andersen and track it down. The busyness of Alex, Cal and Roberts graduations helped relieve my obsession with it and their parties became a great distraction. Their graduation party was the day before my birthday and some had brought gifts for me. Gifts that I loved and would cherish because their sentiment was indescribable(thank you Mr and Mrs. Brown, Bill, Spencer, Mason, Starr family, Matt, Erin, Maddie and Raj:) However, none consisted of the colorful squares held together with brown satin ribbon that had been perfectly stitched together at the hands of my dear, sweet Kelly. The quilt that had come to Robynn's rescue and wrapped her in our love and prayers. The quilt that had caused Kelly sleepless nights, time away from her family and bloody fingers. Where could it be?
My pride in Kelly as my friend was always tremendous, but the pride I felt when I got to present this prayerful treasure to Robynn can never be put into words. Kelly, ONCE AGAIN used her God given talent to bring joy, peace, comfort and God's grace to Robynn. It was a miracle in itself and I was so honored that it came from MY FRIEND Kelly.
So now it's my birthday....I choose to want to lay in bed all day and Raji graciously accepts that fact and jumps right in bed with me:) Thanks Raj! We do however roll out of it around 5 to go to my parents for dinner. My dad BBQ's and it's just my 7, Raj, my parents, Brian, Brady and Hailey. Very simple and subdued, per my request.
Lastly, a present in one of the Christmas boxes we keep and recycle is brought to me by Brady. I open the card attached and it has a goofy looking dog in a wacky pair of glasses and Brian and the kids have written sweet things in their best handwriting. I open the box and remove the brown tissue paper and can't believe my eyes. I pick up Robynn's prayer quilt, press it against my face, hugging it tightly and sob. Brady is behind me and gently pats my back and tells me "it's ok Auntie". When I'm able to take it away from my face I see my brother sitting across from me on the fireplace with a red face and tears welling up. He knows he's given me what no one else could give and my day is now perfect!
Thank you again to all who wished me well!

Pray On!
We are still praying Larry!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear Brian...
Happy Birthday To You!
Enjoy all of the blessings today and the coming year hold in store for you. Continue to allow the Lord to lead your path and blanket you with His peace. You and the kids are in my prayers daily. I was hoping Baby Stroud would be here today to celebrate with you, but no chance....we wait patiently!:)

Standing Strong Always,
Kellie Stroud :)

PS-Happy Belated Birthday Shelley! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and the photo of Robynn with us. You continue to be a witness to those around you. :)

Anonymous said...

Shelley, you truly have a gift! Thank you for sharing so much of your heart and I pray that Kelly's quilt will help provide comfort on those especially tough days.

Brian, I'm sure you will be a trooper and put on a happy face for your birthday, but we all realize how difficult these milestones are without your sweet Robynn. It sounds like there was nobody better at making a birthday so special. However, you'll always have her most treasured gifts, Brady and Hailey.

Here's hoping you both have a year of healing, happy memories, and no grey hairs (hee hee). Best wishes for a safe move!

Wendy Grider

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brian and Shelley!... and concrads to the new graduates!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't express anything better than Wendy. Ditto, ditto, ditto.

Happy Birthday and best wishes to all of you.


Michelle (Hansen)

Leslie said...

what a perfect gift. happy birthday, shelley. i'm still reading every post.

Tracy Randall said...

Shelley, WOW better than anything I have ever read. You had me on the edge of my seat with tears in my eyes. What a great story thank you for sharing. Larry is at the house and resting we are still waiting for the movers to show I meen its only 8 PM and they were supose to be here at 11 AM. But I guess that's what happens when you go from Bakersfield to Roseville via San Fran. I don't get that route but whatever. Thank you for the prayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Yay!!! What a wonderful gift! So... was Brian hiding it and saving it for the special occasion? Regardless, I'm delighted to hear it reappeared knowing how special it was to ALL of you!

Have a great day :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet brother, and mostly, I am just happy that you have something that has more meaning for you than anyone else could appreciate.

What a wonderful posting. I hope that Brian has a special Father's Day guys are very special people.

In friendship,
Jill West

Tracy Randall said...

Larry's not doing so well they have increased his dilatid to 12mg per hour and they think he may have a new blockage. He is back at home spending time with his kids and grandkids but he is loosing what ever strength is left. Please keep him in your prayers. He had a K-Pac today to help with his weakness and lack of intake. Please pray that the pain will go and he can rest.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Shelley and Brian,
May this year bring you comfort,peace,healing and new memeories.
I am so grateful to you Brian for finding and giving Shelley the quilt.A warm blanket of God's love and his arms around you all.
I am praying all the time for you all and know that you are sooo missed in W.Sac-how are my kiddos-how I miss them.......
Keep your eyes upwards and I am praying in hope and in love.
Is there an update on Larry-send my prayers to him for me.

On a bright note my Grand daughter Alexa is 19 weeks and counting without any episodes and if that isn't a miracle to prove that our Lord is with us=let me just say God is so good.
I love you all,
Solider Miss Denise

MandyMarie12 said...

I am tears over here....SO happy you have been reunited with your blanket so you can wrap yourself in the love of both your girls.

Happy belated birthday, Shelley!!