Thursday, June 25, 2009

Prayers of Peace for Larry

I just got a call from Tracy. Larry fell yesterday and was readmitted to Roseville-Sutter. Basically, the Dr's have told his family that his body is shutting down and he could have as little as 24 hours left. They are trying to get him moved to the Oncology floor so Hospice can come in and insure he is kept comfortable. I sat with Robynn's prayer quilt in my lap as we spoke, and in an instant I was brought back to December 17th. I tried to comfort Tracy and give him a realistic expectation. Even in the end, after all the pain and suffering you've witnessed becomes constant, it is still so hard to let go. The devastation this devilish disease causes is immeasurable.
Please pray that Larry's burden be lifted and that he is prepared to enter His kingdom where he is granted ever lasting life and peace. "The girls" are helping to prepare a place for you Larry. Kiss and hug them for us, upon your arrival:)

We are here Larry! We are praying! God Bless you!

Pray On!

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