Thursday, June 12, 2008

Challenge for "Army Goodell"


Callahan(17) went yesterday to Houchin Blood Bank in Bakersfield and gave for the VERY first time and has another appointment in 8 weeks. While there, I realized that Robynn might not need any whole blood,plasma or platelets at the moment, but there are countless people who do and we are "commanded" to serve!
I had not donated blood in years, but gave at Robynn's Blood Drive and returned to donate again on my birthday, so I'm not asking any of you to do something I'm not willing to do myself. I know it scares the Bejeepers out of some of you, so here's an alternative...if you absolutely can't do it, ask someone you know to donate instead...on your behalf (so to speak)

Did you know that every three seconds someone requires a blood transfusion?
Can you imagine the impact "Army Goodell" could have on helping those in need???
I will not even attempt to guess, because you soldiers surpass ANY and EVERY expectation that ever crosses my mind!

So here are your Orders: Go to ANY Blood Center and donate to ANY organization you choose(most have lists at the reception desk & Blood Source will accept in Robynn's name) or give to their "general fund" in ROBYNN's HONOR! When your Orders are complete, report back and we will track how many pints of blood "Army Goodell" is contributing to friends in need!

We have been blessed with many miracles and it is once again time to;
PAY IT FORWARD and give Thanks and Praise to our Gracious God!

I anxiously await All soldiers to report for duty!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Ready and willing!

Anonymous said...

Count me in :)

Anonymous said...

Way to take the lead Callahan! You have led the way for not only your peers, but also for the rest of us.
Who can give it up like the Callahan Man?!!

Anonymous said...

Needles??? AHHH! Okay, only for you!

Love, hugs, and prayers!