Monday, June 2, 2008

Will She EVER Cease to Amaze Us?

"Our Girl" is doing very well! She enjoyed a wonderful weekend of relaxation and even dinner in San Francisco with my parents. She is determined to get her strength back, so she ventured out on an easy little walk/jog with Hailey and Mousse Sunday. She is unbelievable!
Yes, I'm feeling quite ashamed of myself at the moment for not getting MY able body moving with some sort of exercise! I'm a bad girl, I know;)

Pray that she continues to THRIVE!!!!!

Pray On,


Anonymous said...

That is fabulous news... and can I just add that the thank you card I recently received was such a beautiful one. Totally not neccessary...but very much appreciated. Hoping this next week is filled with happy days and more good news, you all deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Brandy & Kelly are whooping it up for you!

Anonymous said...

Well then! Maybe we'll all be seeing Robynn run through one of our neighborhoods soon - sounds good to me!

Have a great afternoon (it's gorgeous outside!) and we will see YOU (West Sac Storm parents) at the game tonight! Rattlers vs The Storm (we'll bring tissue for you) TOTALLY KIDDING!!! ;)

:) The Funk Family

Anonymous said...


You are a true inspiration to our family. You have been in our prayers since January and you will continue to be in our prayers until you have a complete healing. Our family has learned so much from your amazing attitude! We check the blog faithfully and I have cut out your picture from the thank you card and placed it by my computer. Everytime I see your beatiful smile I say a little prayer for you and your family. You are truly a special person and Brian your pretty great too!!


Nick,Tammi,Hanz,Halle&Chaz Harker

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to start the week knowing that Robynn is doing so well and enjoying her family. She is a true inspiration to us all. I hope the week continues to be wonderful. We love you, Robynn.

Alexis Kuhl

christine Booth said...

Hello love I'm thrilled to read your doing so well. it's nice to read you had such a nice weekend. well thought you'd like to read I ran my 26.6 marathon Sunday and every step I took towards the end I reminded myself of your amazing strength and finished that long haul. Thank you
continue to feel better lots of love and prayers
christine Booth

Anonymous said...

You are a true inspiration to us all. I'm glad to hear you doing so well. I hope the rest of your week continues to be so blessed.


Anonymous said...

I am filled with joy. I'm tingling. Robynn, I am so very proud of your courage and determination. And, absolutely thrilled with your "stats". It is hard to find words to encourage you to continue battling on. I feel you have done so much to encourage and inspire so many with all that you have conquered, who am I to to tell you how to keep going??? You really are an inspiration. I was recently asked: what motivates me? Obviously the answer is, my children. I feel I need to do all I can to give them reason to look up to their mom. You have, without a doubt, put me to shame. I couldn't imagine being the model that you have become.
I love you,

melriz said...

Awesome news...Keep going in the right direction...When you are up for it I am ready to get my walk on with you! I know I walk 6 days a week for my job but walking with you would be something I WANT to

Love U!

Anonymous said...

I'm going with you two, Missy and Robynn. We should all follow Robynn around like in Forest Gump. We could be her groupies! hehe jk! I am elated to hear all the wonderful news! We just returned from Book Expo in Los Angeles, promoting our books, but we're back and you'll be hearing more from me again! I love you Bean!!!! Keep up the good work!! What a pillar of strength!! I am totally amazed by you!!!!!!!
I sent texts to family and friends telling them all the good news, and everyone was thrilled and still committed to pray for your continued success!! :)

Love, hugs, and prayers!

Anonymous said...

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna' let it shine!"...the lyrics remind me of you Miss Robynn.

I couldn't be more pleased that you were feeling perky enough to enjoy a walk/jog with Hailey & Moose, in addition to, supper in San Fran...thank goodness you are eating and keeping the yuckies at bay!!!

If I were a cheerleader I would be jumping up & down right about now with my pom pom's flinging around!

I just am delighted at how G-d is working in your life, and in turn you are the mirror reflecting back all of the wonder and blessings to the rest of us.

In friendship~
Jill West

Anonymous said...

How da do,
Well I am soo in -to go on a walk with you.I joined the 24 hr. fitness for the aqua aerobics for my ankle and I am riding the bike so going for walks are in the plan.
I am so glad that you are getting out and for your strength level.
My 5th yr. at James Marshal will be in the history books this Thurs.
Very crazy how times go by.
I love you and am praying in hope and love,
Miss Denise