Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 More Rounds, It Is!

Dear Family and Friends,

I just got off the phone with Robynn and her results are complicated, but here's my best translation;

Pretty much all the tumors in her abdomen have shrunk. She has multiple tumors in her liver, some have shrunk, some have increased in size. We did not talk about the other various locations where she has tumors, as these 2 area are the greatest concern. With that information, they are pushing "Our Girl" to go 2 more rounds with chemo. She will resume chemo this Thursday and be done with both rounds just before Thanksgiving(Hip Hip, Hooray!). Most patients are "begging" to have a break after what Robynn has endured, so we expect these next 2 rounds to continue to brutalize poor Robynn.
So I repeat;
Romans 5:4
And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation.

Please do not forget to Thank God for what He has given us thus far, and what He will continue to do...
Isaiah 49:13
Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their sorrow.

Pray On!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robynn and Family,

Hold tight to your Faith - God never brings you to a precipice without catching you if you should fall off or giving you wings to fly. You are being held up in prayer by so many who care about all of you....I hope you can feel that all around you right now. Remember too, in your most tired and worried moments to keep JOY in what is right in front of you....your children! They were given to you for a special purpose and their voices and laughter hold healing powers no doctor can prescribe. Soak them up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,

So glad to hear there has been some improvement. I will always be praying! I love you!!!!!!

Love, hugs, and prayers!

Anonymous said...

I thought of you all often today, and I am comforted knowing that Robynn's chemo continues to help. I suspect that as with many cancer patients, it feels like 1 step forward, two steps back. Today was a step forward for you in your journey! I will be sending warm thoughts and prayers your way these next weeks as you endure 2 more rounds of chemo. My mom used to hold a picture in her hands while receiving chemo of my 2 brothers and I...telling herself over and over again that she could fight this; she could beat this...and she did. I wanted to share that as a daughter of a mother who has twice survived breat cancer...even I am not as diligent with my own health as I should be. So finally...and in large part because of this blog, I went to have a "funny" sensation checked out. As it turns out there is indeed a lump. Chances are it will be nothing, but if it does turn out to be more, I send a HUGE thank you ut to Shelley, Robynn, Brian, Brady, and Hailey for their willingness to share. It is NOT just a cliche to say that you TRULY are making differences in people's lives.

Anonymous said...

I have a mental picture in my head of being a cheerleader...cheering Robynn on-- during her remaining 2 rounds of chemo treatments. My cheers are 'cheer-prayers' knowing that Sweet Robynn has really endured so much already,but I can see the goal line and she is bringing it in with a touch down.

I will also visualize the tumors evaporating into nothing as I say my prayers and will be reading the Blog for the latest updates.

Sending prayers, support, and postive thoughts!

Love & friendship to you all!!!
Jill & Bob West

Debbie Doo said...

Robynn: Strength and peace to you as you begin your next round of chemo. I pray the pain and nausea take a vacation without you!

Tonya Sandoval said...

You can do it girl. We are all still cheering for you everyday!
Tonya Sandoval & Family

Anonymous said...

Wow, these posts move me to tears. You do so much for so many, Robynn. I, too, have made an appointment to get a mammogram as I have learned that cancer does not care about age.

I am so happy to hear that the chemo continues to do it's job! We will be triumphant!!

love you,


Anonymous said...

My sweet Robynn and Brian,
Just 2 more rounds of chemo and then a much deserved rest.I am so grateful for the chemo working and I PRAY on my knees for an easier round and that you get the peace and rest you so deserve.Thank you for just being you and you are the greatest gift I could hope for and that the 2 of you will have a good weekend.
Shelly God Bless you for keeping us posted and how is your patient healing?Please give an update....
I am praying in love and hope and know how much I love you,
Soilder Miss Denise praying for a good round of chemo.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Roybean and family,
I was having the worst day today, i was upset & feeling hopeless and scared & just plain awful, and realized how stupid i was being. I thought about what your doing today and how could i possibly feel as bad as I do for myself. Thank you for bringing me back to earth and making me grateful for the things I do have. My prayers are so with you today Robynn. Now I cry for you to releive some of your pain, if I could I would maybe God will let me have that burden today. Bless you all.

Love, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

I hope your latest round of chemo like it's a boxing match - Get your Mike Tyson on and BOOM BOOM knock 'em out!

Wishing you love and strength and fun and a killer right hook!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for your comfort Robynn!!!

The Barca's

Anonymous said...

You and your family are always in our prayers. It was good to get the latest info. Sounds like its still moving in the right direction. You are a real TROOPER! Hang in there and remember no matter how bad it gets, you have all our support and prayers. So stay strong, hold on and keep fighting.


Anonymous said...

We were thinking of you yesterday as you endured your next round. We pray for minimal discomfort.

Lots of hugs and strength being sent your way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gang :)

Thought about you guys all day yesterday. We are hoping that yesterday went smoothly and that the pain and yuckies stay far far away :)

The Funk "Fam"

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Robynn adn Brian and kiddos,
I am hoping that you have snuggly weekend with the rain that we are supposed to get.
I will be u p in Redding holding Alexa and you can count on my prayers.
I hope that your yuckies and discomfort is being gentle to you my dear friend.
I love you all and am praying in hope and love,Grandma Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

Hi All. I'm interrupting your regularly scheduled post to put in a prayer request. Our good friend, Richmond P. D. Officer Brad Moody, was just involved in a serious car accident while at work. Although details are scarce, we have been told he is enroute to John Muir Hospital and that he is currently listed as critical. So all of you out in Robynnland... if you have any prayers left, PLEASE say one for Brad and his family.
Thank you!!!
Kim Funk