Friday, August 29, 2008

Cowgirl Up!

Our Dear Robynn is struggling with abdominal pain and needs extra prayers!
Our family is headed to Cambria for Pinederado and we were unsure if Robynn could make the trip:( Being the TRUE WARRIOR that she is, there was no deterring her.
Her thoughts..."wherever I am, I'm gonna be sick so I might as well be with the ones I love and enjoying a beautiful view". That's the spirit, oh AMAZING ONE!!!!

Job 37:5
"God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power."

Pray On!


Sheryl said...

Okay Robynn, I have NOTHING like you do but I need to adopt your attitude. You are an inspiration and still in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hope the clean beach air will be what you need to feel better
Hugs & prayers to you
Gina & the boys

Anonymous said...

We're sorry to hear that Robynn has a lot of discomfort!!! I love that she sees the big picture & presses on, even in her pain. So our hope is that Cambria is a wonderful retreat to assist in alleviating her suffering. Moreover, we hope the whole Goodell family has a blessed Labor Day Weekend!!!
With love,friendship & prayers~
Jill West

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better. It was good to see you the other day.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers as always! STAND STRONG are so amazingly strong...and beautiful!!!!!
Lots of love to you and your family!
The Starr Family

Anonymous said...

Let's all pray Robynn, Halie and "the boys" will have a great time!!! You and your family too S!

melriz said...

I hope you have a great time and your tummy woes stay in check..

Love u!

Anonymous said...

You should be coming back from your trip soon and hopefully your discomfort wasn't as bad as anticipated. Our prayers are with you and your wonderful family. Hang in there tough girl. God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,

I hope you had a great time with your loved ones and you're feeling better! Always saying prayers for you! I love you!

Love, hugs, and prayers,

Anonymous said...


You've been fighting like hell from the beginning so why should NOW be any different!? Fight to keep on doing those things you enjoy, with those who mean the most to you!

Hope it was a great weekend for all!

Love, Kim

Anonymous said...

How ta do to you Robynn and family,
I hope that your trip was restful and that your tummy did not give you alot of troubles.
I am praying in hope and love that you will be free of all the discomfort.
I love you all,
Miss Denise

Anonymous said...


NO ONE IS TOUGHER THAN YOU! Stand Strong and know that you are loved and being surrounded by a strong army of angels and prayer warriors.

PS-my family loved the beautiful necklaces! I am so grateful to you for the care and quality you put into your work. :)

Kellie Stroud :)