Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday BRADY DENNIS!!!!!

I remember so clearly Robynn's labor with Brady. I was there for hours trying to keep her entertained. We sang, danced, reenacted Seinfeld episodes and recited our all time favorite sayings from movies("So I married an Axe Murderer" was mimicked repeatedly;). My goal was to distract and not being successful was NOT an option! This was her 1st baby and I knew how helpful that would be.
So the irony of all this is that my Mom and I had been there so long that, well lets say....we were "ripe" and were desperate for a shower:) After her epidural, the nurse told us it would be quite sometime before delivery and to let her get some sleep and by the time we got back, there should be a better progression. She did look exhausted and our stench was getting a little out of hand and we didn't want to be stinky for our sweet Brady, so we agreed.
We had not even made it home when Brian calls to tell us to "get back here, she's ready to push". We can hear Robynn in the back ground yelling "Hurry! Hurry! You need to get back". I immediately start driving like a mad woman in a total panic! I am merging onto the 99 at Ming Ave when Brian calls back and tells me not to rush because, "Brady Dennis is here!" I start bawling! I cry all the way back to the hospital. I can't believe I missed it! How could this have happened? My mom was just as upset as I was. Running through the parking lot, lobby and hallways we finally reached our precious Brady. Robynn's smile could not have been brighter. Her and Brian's joy was abundant.
What a day! What a moment ! What a Blessing!
Thank you Robynn for giving us Brady and gracing him with your love of books, a generous heart, an insatiable sweet tooth:) and your trademark freckles! So many reminders of you and we are so thankful!

Auntie loves you!

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brady!!! We love you and miss you so much!
Love, Enni, Uncle Derek, Polly and C.P.(aka Bobbi)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brady!!! I recall being at Farmer's Insurance when we heard the news of your birth & were excited knowing that shortly we would be able to 'meet' you.

Enjoy your special day!!!

In friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brady!!! I love that you have your mom's freckles ~ they make you look sooooo handsome!

:) Have a great day!
Kim and the Funk Family

Mimi said...

Happy 10th Birthday, Brady! My life changed forever when you made me a grandma. Words cannot describe how special you are to me...but just ask anyone who knows me! No secret! Have fun celebrating, Mr. Double Digits! Love u lots, Mimi, Lola, Rowdy and Mousse

MandyMarie12 said...

What an awesome story!! I can just see her there, smiling from ear to ear.

Happy Birthday, Brady!!! Hope you are enjoying Mexico (although from the looks of the pics, I already know the answer to that)!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Brady, Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Brady, we hope you had a wonderful day! We've been thinking about you and missing you! We want to hear all about your trip too. We've loved seeing all the pictures. You are growing before our eyes! Big hugs to you buddy! =) =) =)
Love, Myron, Sabrina, Tre, Surgar and Raider

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brady!
And Brandon says Happy Birthday "Big Guy"!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Brady,
OH THE HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAY I HOPE THAT YOU HAD.(my computer has been slow as a seven year itch and I could not read the blog)
You are such a special young man and I a, so very proud to ahve you as my friend.....

I am so very sorry for Larry and how how he had to fight that devilish monster.I am praying for all of his family and an extra measure of hope and love.
As for what Sabrina said-yep I bet Robynn is up there dancing to Thriller...what a FUN thought.
Brian and HAiley and Shelley to let you know that I am praying for you daily and I miss you my friends.
Tomarrow is 22 weeks that my grand daughter Alexa is without any episodes....she is so much fun and I must say a doll and still bald...I tell her give me a kissy and she will and then put my nose in her mouth---I just had 2 sdays with her....
An update on my friend Juilie Martin-it is a miracle to be around hr-the chemo is stronger and she has more energy and will be helping with our vacation bible school.God is giving her the time and the quality..
My other friend Linda Baker is almost at the end of the chemo for which she is grateful for..just that she needs more energy and she is looking foreward to what her hair will grow back as..

I love you all and I hope that your 4th was relaxing-the best Army in the world.
Praying in hope and in love for you all,Solider Miss Denise

Tracy Randall said...

Hope you had a great birthday Brady the pics I saw looked like a lot of fun.

Thank you everyone for the prayers for Larry and the family please keep them coming, it is going to be a long month. Larry's Birthday was yesterday and then his and Janet's anniversary is the same day as mine and Tami's on the 24th so nothing like bottling it all up for one month of memories.

We will be heading back down to Bakersfield tomorrow for one last trip to get the remainder of Larry and Janet's stuff out of the house there. Pray for the emotion as we get this done and depart back to Roseville. Please pray for a safe trip and thank you to all.

The services on the first were perfect and a fitting date as it was the same day that he was to start an appointment under the Governor for school districts in the state.

Sheila said...

From Jonah's Camp for a friend of a friend: Please pray for Bracha Elisheva bat Kaila, a young mother who has cancer and is having brain surgery. I have no other details, but all who are willing know what to do!

Anonymous said...

Solider Miss Denise reporting for prayer duty for Bracha Elisheva.
May God keep a safe hand on the surgeons.
Praying in hope and in love,
Miss Denise

Kerrie said...

Shelley...I just got around to reading this. I am in tears. I will always think of Robynn and sweet Brady on July 2nd as it's the day my oldest son, Ian, was born :) We were thrilled to have him on an already very special day. Thank you for sharing this story! I love it!! So cute. Sad you missed the birth...but it makes for a very memorable story.

Love you all!