Monday, July 13, 2009

Prayer Request

This is from Lauressa, one of Robynn's Fabulous nurses from Roseville Sutter.....

Can I forward a request to you to have Army Goodell pray for someone?
A friend of mine that I've known since 4th grade just found out on Thursday that her and her husband's 1st child, 8 mos old Joshua Truini, has a very aggressive brain tumor. The tumor is wrapped around his brain stem and part of his spinal cord. The brain stem controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. He is having his big surgery today to remove as much tumor as they can. He needs lots of prayers right now. Prayers that he will come through surgery, that his medical team will do everything in their power to help him. Also, prayers that whatever plans the docs have for treating him will be successful.
Thank you so much! The Truini family lives in Oregon.

You know what to do Army Goodell!

Isaiah 66:13
[God says,] "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."

May Joshua feel that comfort from all who love him! Keep us updated Lauressa...

Pray On!



kelly k said...

We are praying here in Fort Collins CO!

Lauressa RN said...

Thank you so much Shelley for posting this! Little Joshua had 60% of his tumor removed yesterday, the doc told his mom that "He won't survive this". He is currently recovering from surgery with an expected prognosis of 1 year or less.

Army Goodell knows that many many people outlive their prognoses, and I have seen many patients exceed the doctors expectations too. We are keeping hope alive :)

Thanks again for posting prayer requests for Joshua. Thank you to all!!

Anonymous said...

All the Love and healing for God's little ones...for this little one Joshua