Saturday, July 25, 2009

Update & More Prayers Needed

Mrs. Sullivan responded well to having the abscess removed and antibiotics administered. She was conscious and talking a bit on Thursday. Her tests for the infection are showing positive results and we are so thankful. The pathology report showed the cancer had spread and she will undergo chemo when she regains some strengths.

Santos's body rejected the medication needed to get him well. They then tried a less invasive drug, but realized they needed to try the Amphotericin B again maybe at a slower pace. They tried this yesterday and he amazingly seemed to tolerate it better...ALLELUIA! He is getting another dose today at 4pm. Please pray his body continues to take this medication as it is imperative for his survival.
On a cheery note, taking dinner to his children Thursday night, simply warmed my heart! They were all so happy to see me and wanting to help carry the food from the car to the house. I had more helpers than I had things to carry:) It was a wonderful feeling to see 1st hand their excitement and gratefulness. My friend Mel took dinner over last night and I'm sure she was greeted with the same joy! I can't wait to see them all again tonight!

On Thursday my Papa (my Mom's Dad) suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. He is being moved to Health South for rehabilitation for a couple weeks and then they will reevaluate him to see what the next step is. He is very disoriented and it is very sad to watch. However, some of the things he has said to us these past couple days have led us to laughing so hard we cried and for some, they laughed so hard they had to get to a restroom quick:) Just like with Robynn, laughter is an amazing antidote when faced with such sad circumstances.

Brian has been in excruciating pain with a slipped disc and pinched nerve in his back. Not much can keep this guy down, but this has definitely done just that! I'm taking Brady and Hailey to a bday party and then to see Papa.

Thank you again for your prayers and if you could, please help out with providing for Santos's family. I will continue to do whatever I can, but most of my time is being spent with my Papa, so I ask for your help with that.

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Solider Miss Denise reporting for prayer duty.
Brian I am so sorry for your back-please take good care of yourself and I am praying for you to be up and about soon-give my kiddos kisses from me and that I MISS you all lots.
Please let Santos know that the Lord is there for him and Darlene keep your eyes upwards as well as Roger Pool and sweet baby Joshua my heart goes out deeply and to your Papa I hope that he has a good recovery and that he can come home.So many need our prayers and we are STANDING in the gap and holding you all up.
Shelley you are so special to so many and that is a wonderfl testimony to me-I am praying for you my friend.
I love you all,
Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

All prayers for Papa, Brian, Santos and Mrs Sulivan!

Brandy said...

I have not been on the blog in a while it seems. My prayers go out to all those people in need. Joshua, Mrs. Sullivan, The Santos family , your Papa, and Brian....I would love to help with some meals....Marty better do the cooking :) It is so wonderful that you keep using this blog to help others in need. Robynn would be so proud of you...I bet she is smiling down on you saying...'You go girl!' Thank you have been such a blessing to our family and to so many countless others..Thank you and God Bless!