Saturday, July 25, 2009

Update & More Prayers Needed

Mrs. Sullivan responded well to having the abscess removed and antibiotics administered. She was conscious and talking a bit on Thursday. Her tests for the infection are showing positive results and we are so thankful. The pathology report showed the cancer had spread and she will undergo chemo when she regains some strengths.

Santos's body rejected the medication needed to get him well. They then tried a less invasive drug, but realized they needed to try the Amphotericin B again maybe at a slower pace. They tried this yesterday and he amazingly seemed to tolerate it better...ALLELUIA! He is getting another dose today at 4pm. Please pray his body continues to take this medication as it is imperative for his survival.
On a cheery note, taking dinner to his children Thursday night, simply warmed my heart! They were all so happy to see me and wanting to help carry the food from the car to the house. I had more helpers than I had things to carry:) It was a wonderful feeling to see 1st hand their excitement and gratefulness. My friend Mel took dinner over last night and I'm sure she was greeted with the same joy! I can't wait to see them all again tonight!

On Thursday my Papa (my Mom's Dad) suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. He is being moved to Health South for rehabilitation for a couple weeks and then they will reevaluate him to see what the next step is. He is very disoriented and it is very sad to watch. However, some of the things he has said to us these past couple days have led us to laughing so hard we cried and for some, they laughed so hard they had to get to a restroom quick:) Just like with Robynn, laughter is an amazing antidote when faced with such sad circumstances.

Brian has been in excruciating pain with a slipped disc and pinched nerve in his back. Not much can keep this guy down, but this has definitely done just that! I'm taking Brady and Hailey to a bday party and then to see Papa.

Thank you again for your prayers and if you could, please help out with providing for Santos's family. I will continue to do whatever I can, but most of my time is being spent with my Papa, so I ask for your help with that.

Pray On!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Special Prayer Request

Please pray for Mrs. Darlene Sullivan. She was diagnosed with Colon cancer last week, underwent surgery the following day and has suffered some serious complications. She developed a huge abscess and is at a high risk for becoming septic. Yes, there's that nasty, ugly word that will forever be associated with Kelly's death. With that said, I think you understand the seriousness of this.
I lived much of my childhood in the Sullivan household. Mrs. Sullivan loved me as one of her own and always made me feel so special. Her impact on my life is immeasurable.
With tears and a lump in my throat, I ask that you please pray for her and her family.

Pray On!

Army Goodell, We Need Your Help!

I have a family in need of our help in Bakersfield. Santos, one of Tim's employee's, has been diagnosed with Disseminated Valley Fever. He is a single-father of 11 and is the sole supporter. He is at Memorial Hospital and his prognosis is less than desireable.
I need BIG prayers for Santos and I need help with meals for his family! I know cooking for this many people is intimidating, but I know we are up for the task!
Gift cards to any local grocery store/Target or restaurant/pizza place would be helpful as well. I will be happy to pick up and deliver anything you have to give if that will help.
Otherwise you can email me at
Call my cell 661 978-5774 or
mail a donation to my attention, Shelley Goodell to 5301 Office Park Dr suite 225 93309
Help of ANY kind will be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you in advance soldiers!

Love to all!
Pray On!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Update on Baby Joshua

From Lauressa;

Thank you so much Shelley for posting this!
Little Joshua had 60% of his tumor removed yesterday, the doc told his mom that
"He won't survive this". He is currently recovering from surgery with an expected prognosis of 1 year or less.Army Goodell knows that many many people outlive their prognosis, and I have seen many patients exceed the doctors expectations too.
We are keeping hope alive :)
Thanks again for posting prayer requests for Joshua.
Thank you to all!!

AMEN to that!
Pray On!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Prayer Request

This is from Lauressa, one of Robynn's Fabulous nurses from Roseville Sutter.....

Can I forward a request to you to have Army Goodell pray for someone?
A friend of mine that I've known since 4th grade just found out on Thursday that her and her husband's 1st child, 8 mos old Joshua Truini, has a very aggressive brain tumor. The tumor is wrapped around his brain stem and part of his spinal cord. The brain stem controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. He is having his big surgery today to remove as much tumor as they can. He needs lots of prayers right now. Prayers that he will come through surgery, that his medical team will do everything in their power to help him. Also, prayers that whatever plans the docs have for treating him will be successful.
Thank you so much! The Truini family lives in Oregon.

You know what to do Army Goodell!

Isaiah 66:13
[God says,] "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."

May Joshua feel that comfort from all who love him! Keep us updated Lauressa...

Pray On!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Prayer Request/Updates

Please raise Roger Pool up in prayer as he is beginning his battle with The Devil's right-hand man...Angiosarcoma. It gives me the chills to even type that word. Roger is married to my dear friend Kelly's Aunt Judy. Kelly's sister Brandy just informed me of this very sad news and said the symptoms/side effects are "all too familiar and like Robynn's, it is moving very fast".

A young mother from "Jonah's camp", Bracha Elisheva Bat Kaila is undergoing brain surgery due to cancer.

Please let Tracy's family feel the continued power of prayer as they struggle to live life without Larry.


Linda Baker is finishing up with chemo and prays for more energy and wonders, what her hair will look like when it grows back?

Hooray for Julie Martin who is enjoying "Quality of Life" and will use this special time to serve through teaching Vacation Bible School. Way to go Julie!!!

I commend all our soldiers above on their courage and faith in a God that loves them so divinely! He will not fail you!

STAND STRONG! Army Goodell has got your back!!!

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Pray On!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday BRADY DENNIS!!!!!

I remember so clearly Robynn's labor with Brady. I was there for hours trying to keep her entertained. We sang, danced, reenacted Seinfeld episodes and recited our all time favorite sayings from movies("So I married an Axe Murderer" was mimicked repeatedly;). My goal was to distract and not being successful was NOT an option! This was her 1st baby and I knew how helpful that would be.
So the irony of all this is that my Mom and I had been there so long that, well lets say....we were "ripe" and were desperate for a shower:) After her epidural, the nurse told us it would be quite sometime before delivery and to let her get some sleep and by the time we got back, there should be a better progression. She did look exhausted and our stench was getting a little out of hand and we didn't want to be stinky for our sweet Brady, so we agreed.
We had not even made it home when Brian calls to tell us to "get back here, she's ready to push". We can hear Robynn in the back ground yelling "Hurry! Hurry! You need to get back". I immediately start driving like a mad woman in a total panic! I am merging onto the 99 at Ming Ave when Brian calls back and tells me not to rush because, "Brady Dennis is here!" I start bawling! I cry all the way back to the hospital. I can't believe I missed it! How could this have happened? My mom was just as upset as I was. Running through the parking lot, lobby and hallways we finally reached our precious Brady. Robynn's smile could not have been brighter. Her and Brian's joy was abundant.
What a day! What a moment ! What a Blessing!
Thank you Robynn for giving us Brady and gracing him with your love of books, a generous heart, an insatiable sweet tooth:) and your trademark freckles! So many reminders of you and we are so thankful!

Auntie loves you!

Pray On!