Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prayer Request from Kelly K

kelly k said...
Once more, I call upon Army Goodell to pray for a dear friend. Please keep Karen, Owen, and brand new baby girl Purvis in your prayers. Their husband/father Eric was a navy helicopter pilot that become our dear friend when he and my husband went through pilot training in 1997. Sadly, Eric was one of 5 killed in a helicopter crash this week in San Diego. He and his wife Karen just celebrated the birth of their baby girl 3 weeks ago. This Memorial Day... when we spend treasured moments with our loved ones, please take a moment to think of this family and lift them up in prayer. Pray for this brand new mom who is now faced with teaching her baby girl how to love a daddy she never got to know.

Kelly K,
I cannot tell you how it warms my heart to know when you stumbled across this blog you had never prayed. Now, not only do you pray, but you encourage others to join in and ask for "back-up". What a wonderful thing! Thank you Kelly K.... we've got your "back".
Love to you always, S

2 Corinthians 8:7
You do well in everything else. You do well in faith and in speaking. You do well in knowledge and in complete commitment. And you do well in your love for us. So make sure that you also do well in the grace of giving to others.

Pray on!


Anonymous said...

Kelly K,
Our prayers are with you & Erics family. Stand Strong.

Tracy Randall said...

We lift your family up and pray for you all. We also thank your husband for what he has given us all with his service. Kiss those little ones hold them close and feel our arms around you. You are not alone and we are all here for you.