Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chemo for Thursday is a GO!

Miss Robynn has had an annoying little cough that gets especially bad when she lies down and does not promote sleep. There was concern about her lungs and her Dr. wanted to get a
chest x-ray Monday. If the x-ray did not come back "clear", they would cancel chemo.
Good news soldiers, IT'S CLEAR!!!!!!! Hooray!
Who ever thought we'd be cheering for chemo???.....

Our weekend as Jet fans was a bit disappointing, as they lost in overtime:( but it was a super exciting game to be at.
The day before, in Modesto, the girls went shopping and the guys went golfing. After we all hooked back up, Erin and Matt treated us to homemade carnitas with ALL the trimmings that were out of this world! Stuffed out of our minds with all that yumminess we then flopped down to the couches, snuggled up and watched Baby Momma. Talk about funny! Boy did we laugh!
Before leaving for Oakland we attempted a family picture. Notice I used the word "attempted"? You can figure it out;)
That was pretty much it, just some good ol, FFF!(Forced Family Fun)

Now, we are all back to our respective cities with more wonderful memories to cherish!
Please keep Cal in you prayers. Nothing serious at all, just that she gets her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow and she is being put under anesthesia which is always a little scary.

Philippians 4:9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Peace be with all of you!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Robynn -
It was great talking to you today. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Just thought I would drop you a note online. Take care and I'll call you soon. Tell Brian and the kids Hi!

Anonymous said...

Go Chemo Go!!! Robynn, you are such a trooper. Hang in there! We are all standning with you in prayer.

Anonymous said...

I was happy to hear that the congestion in Sweet Robynn's lungs didn't prevent the continuation of the chemotherapy...now lets hope for some relief so she can get some decent rest.

Keeping Cal in prayer for her wisdom teeth extraction!

In friendship,
Jill & Bob West