Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tanner Update

Well, it went down just like they told us it would.
Cut cast off
Recast(in neon hot pink;)
The x-ray showed that the healing is a slow process and there would be many more weeks in a cast. We will repeat today's appt in 3 weeks...repeat again and again til it is healed.
Tanner was a hit with the staff and patients with his hair spray painted neon green, with matching shirt and long socks to show his school spirit for SHS's Homecoming week(today's theme...Neon).
Tomorrow is the "50's" and he's debating on wearing a poodle skirt. I told him he could totally pull it of...we'll see???
Just like his Aunt Robynn, his spirit is unshakable and his outlook is ultra-positive.

Thank you for all your prayers.
Love you all!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

You are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers! You are all such amazing fighters! Keep that wonderful FAITH you have.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

So...did Tanner have the gumption to wear the poodle skirt for 'sprit week'?

I will send healing thoughts Tanner's way, in addition to, all of the prayers for healing, restoration, renewal and revitalization for Sweet Robynn.

I hope she hasn't been in too much discomfort and that she is regaining her stregth and energy.

With love & friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tanner. Would love to see picture of him all dressed up with his colors.

AS for the Angel in most all our eyes, Robynn continues to be sent lots of prayers. Prayers to relieve her of tummy troubles and fatigue.
I have a small saying title Short & Sweet
Happy moment, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
I hope this will help you also.

Love Robynn Aunt Augie