Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jonah is with the Lord

This came from Jonah's family....

Dear loved ones,

As difficult as it is to write this morning, I know you all need to know what has taken place. Scott and Amy knew it was time to let Jonah go peacefully to his heavenly Father. We all know he has been in the arms of Jesus all this time. They were able to spend sweet moments with him and hold him close before they said good-bye. Jonah's grandparents and aunts and uncles were also able to see him and all spend time in his room where he and his parents have been for months. We appreciate, once again, all your prayers for Jonah's family during this difficult time. Thank you and God Bless you all for loving and caring


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Jonah's was such an ongoing battle for this little one and I know that his parents have really been through a lot!

I will send them some special loving & supportive prayers during this difficult time.

Jill West

Anonymous said...

My heart hurts for Baby Jonah's family, comfort can only be found in knowing that he is in heaven with our wonderful Lord. What a precious soul.
I am so very sorry.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers and thoughts continue to go out to Jonah's family. We are sorry for your loss. But rest assure that Jonah is waiting for you somewhere special with open arms of joy and love.

Anonymous said...

Oh how my heart cries out to our Lord to hold Jonah close in his arms.I pray for rest and healing for his family.I am crying with you all-I am so sorry for their loss but am grateful they had him.
Robynn-tackle that cough and get some rest and knock down the chemo.
Please call me when you read this because I need to talk with you.
I love you all and praying in hope and love,Miss Denise
How did Cal make out with her wisdom teeth and how is Tanner doing these days?Love you Shelly

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for Jonah's family. I know there are no words that can ease their pain. But I will pray for them and hope they may be eased by knowing that they will be with him again someday and that he is now free from pain. God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

Just a note to Robynn and her family. I know this is the 3rd day after your chemo. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying that you are going through this latest siege with a minimum of pain and discomfort. Psalm 51 has always been one that has given me strength, cleansing, and a certain amount of peace. I pray for all of these things for you, Robynn and your family. God Bless You

Anonymous said...

The Lord now holds Joanah, and his family in the palm of His hands.