Thursday, January 22, 2009

No Ruby, but Full of Hope

I wanted to take some time to thank you once again "Army Goodell" for waging war through prayer and action.
I have been overwhelmed with what has transpired since Ruby's disappearance. I have had uncountable phone calls, emails, posts and help from strangers, friends and loved ones trying to get Ruby home. I have had offers of other dogs and others wanting to contribute for an increased "reward" amount. Thank you to Stephanie Tobias who left our bible study Tuesday and immediately enlisted St. Francis school to help broaden our search. Thank you to my entire bible study group who prayed over me and cried with me, when I could not hold back my tears. I am reminded of Father Craig's words, "what do people do in times like this, without Christ"?
I don't know and I don't want to find out.
I am faithful that Ruby will make her way back to us and that God is using her, just like Robynn, to touch our hearts and bring us closer to Him.

Pray On!

PS The dog we found Saturday was reunited with his family yesterday. They were overjoyed to get "Grizz" back and while the kids miss him, they are hopeful that their day with Ruby is coming soon:)

Prayer Request
Tracy Randall said...
I also have a prayer request. My father- in-law Larry was diagnosed in May of 2007 with stage IV Colon cancer and after Chemo went into remission. He has since had to return to his chemo treatments and although it is working, he meets this week with the Dr.s about the use of the cyber knife on his liver to remove some spots that when this thing started where considered inoperable. Please keep him in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hi All. I read last night's post and was speechless... so I didn't even leave a message. How does one even respond to such a wonderful story! I smiled though!

I know that Brian and the kiddos are sad without Robynn and missing her sooo much, but the new story about the homeless gentleman is proof that Brady and Hailey WILL be okay. They are still in the hands of a wonderful and caring father - wow. I have no doubt that they will always carry on that wonderful and giving spirit!

Now to everyone out there in Robynn-land... I know you all have wonderful stories to share. SHARE them! Send them to us please so we can include them in the book for Brian and crew, okay? Whatever you come up with will be perfect - I promise! See the fundraising blog for details.

Thank you for sharing that wonderful story - and to all of those new prayer requests - we've got you covered!

:) Kim

Anonymous said...

Like Kim, I read the post last night and thought how lovely to hear about extending love & kindness to strangers.

Robynn,Brian & the kids all are the kind of people you hope cross you path...because they show how wonderful humanity is at its best.

I am pleased to read that you have enlisted more recruits to find Ruby.

And please advise Tracy Randall that we'll keep her father-in-law in our prayers, along with Kelly K.'s friend Lori.

Say, how is your Uncle Sonny doing? He is still in our prayers too.

In friendship~
Jill West

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the prayer request for Larry. He was excepted today for the cyber knife procedure and will begin this next week. He has a active tumor on his Liver that is up against his lung but has not moved over. They are confident that they will be able to make a substantial difference in his outcome through this procedure. Thank you everyone for your prayers and I will keep you posted.

Oh ya and by the way a little humor. I am actually a man but its a common mistake LOL :) I've been going to the same bank teller for years and he won't stop scratching out the balance because he thinks it must not be my account.