Monday, January 12, 2009


Our dog Ruby, who was a gift from Robynn just before Thanksgiving is missing. She is a black lab that we adore and her being away from us is extremely upsetting. Please pray that she will be returned to us. She is just a puppy and has a collar with my phone number, but we have heard nothing. She is so special to us for obvious reasons. Not only did she come from Robynn, but we named her Ruby which was Robynn's nickname (Ruby Two Shoes). It might seem odd, but we just wanted a constant reminder of the love Robynn gave us and wanted it to shine through our Ruby with every lick,bark,snuggle and wag of her tail.

Please pray that Ruby comes home!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Shelley..have you thought of putting something on Craigslist Lost and Found section? I have seen where doggies found their way home through that. Praying Ruby comes home soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! We have a black lab puppy (Buddy, now a little more than 18 mos. old, named after a favorite and dear uncle, now in heaven due to cancer) who has become such a part of the family (and I wasn't a dog person.) Now that both of our adult kids are out of the house (one temporarily), people ask how it feels to have an empty nest. I insist we don't have one because we have Buddy! We'll be praying--keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Shelley..Praying Ruby comes home!! We will be thiking about you.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Shelley - hoping by this AM's post, that Ruby is at home taking a nice warm snooze!!

(or maybe she was home the whole time in a secret warm n cozy hiding spot!)

:) Kim

Unknown said...

Good Morning Shelley ~

I am so sad to hear that Ruby is missing. Like Kim, I am hoping and praying that Ruby has found her way home by now. I remember her when she was with the rest of the litter. She is one of the sweetest girls, I see why you wanted her!:) If she hasn't made if home yet, I will continue to pray for a speedy and safe return.

I look forward to hearing that she has been safely returned very soon.

Anonymous said...

You have our prayers and then still some more prayers for Ruby's safe & speedy return!!!

Our animals are OUR BABIES since we don't have you know you have our support.

Have you contacted the Californian to post a lost dog ad?

Sending love & friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

When I read this post I immediately felt your pain. It is always a difficult situation when somthing happens to one of our pets, but in this situation it is even harder. I remember Ruby, she was one of the sweetest dogs in the litter. I couldn't belive that she stayed with us as long as she did, but then and when Robynn asked me about getting a puppy I knew that there was a reason we still had Ruby. I look forward to checking the blog and reading that she has safely returned home.
smokee & Sunny (Ruby's parents)