Monday, February 16, 2009

Having Brian and the kids here did many hearts good!
We had dinner waiting when they arrived and Hailey and I worked on her homemade Valentines that only her Mom is more talented at. Mum-mum had bought out the dollar store with all sorts of greats arts and crafts to make them extra special.
Friday, Mum-mum and I took Brady and Hailey shopping to pick out Valentine gifts for Brian and lunched at Wendy's(kids choice) We later celebrated Papa's bday at Woolgrowers...Double YUM! It was tough on Brian, but he sucked it up and made the best of it for our Dad. Matt, Erin and Maddie couldn't make it, but they still found a way to swipe the bill out from under us, all the way from Modesto. What a bunch of stinkers!
Saturday, I think we ate all day(not Brian of course, he's on strike from eating) It does worry us, but know it's part of his grief process and he's aware of it. We delivered goodies to Kelly's boys Spencer and Mason and their cousins Ryan, Joe and Johnny and had lunch at Moo-Creamery. A little later the kids wrote notes to their mom and we attached them to balloons that they released at the cemetery. We watched them slowly float up with the wind taking them higher and higher til we couldn't see them anymore. It was a very slow process and we knew Robynn was giggling as she watched and thought we were goofy with a capital G! Brady insisted his mom had her arms stretched out, ready to take hold of her special valentines. I don't have the words to describe what I felt when I watched Hailey pick up a stick and write "I ♥ u Mom" on Robynns grave. It was a powerful moment and I knew Robynn was with us. We left Robynn and attended Mass at Christ the King. It was rough when the priest asked all married couples to stand, join hands, look into each others eyes and recommit themselves to their marriage. I wanted to teleport my brother anywhere.... but there:(
We indulged in heart pizza and more junk and finished opening all our valentines.
Sunday, we just hung out until our "Bowling Show-Down" with the Starr's, Oxford's and Haines families. There was all sort of fabulous banter, bets and boastful moments. We laughed like we haven't laughed in a long time. It was a wonderful gift of friendship, love and treasured memories.
Today they got back on the road to West Sac around 2 and we miss them already. Thank you Mom and Dad for letting us invade your home for 5 days;) xoxo
Please keep us all in your prayers, as we have good moments and bad, and are not sure which one will will hit us next.

Pray On!

PS Tanner was sick the ENTIRE TIME and had to be taken to Urgent Care. We had blood drawn today and are waiting for results. Sad he missed his time with Uncle Brain, Brady and Hailey, but glad we are closer to finding out what's ailing him.
Hooray...Alexa Michelle is back home!!!!


Anonymous said...

Please add another mommy to your prayers (from Jonah's camp):

This is being shared with Dave's permission and request to share it with anyone and everyone who will pray for Ruthi who has been diagnosed with breast cancer (detected very early.)

From Ruthi:

Hi all,

I just got off the phone (Friday) with the surgeon’s office (Dr. David Chi) and have a surgery date for Tues. 2/17 at Los Robles, which is 2 miles from our home (for those of you out of the area). I will go to Radiology at 8 am and have another mammo and then a wire will be inserted (the size of a hair, I’m told) that will direct the surgeon to the cancer site. My actual surgery is scheduled for 11 am where the Dr. will make an incision and remove a golf ball size mass. The mass circumference will be tested to make sure all the cancer was removed and I will find out the results within the week. I should go home within an hour or so after the completion of surgery. About 2 weeks later I will start radiation for 5 – 7 week, 5 days a week for less than 15 minutes a day.

OK. So now the ball is rolling and let the adventure begin. I read a great quote today:

“Acceptance says, True, this is my situation at the moment.

I’ll look unblinkingly at the reality of it.
But I’ll also open my hands to accept willingly
Whatever a loving Father sends me.”

-Catherine Marshall-

Prayer requests:


*Dr. Chi’s skill to get all the cancer the 1st time.

*Our family will trust completely in God’s plan

Thanks to all of you!

Love and hugs,


Anonymous said...

Your whole sweet family has been on my mind so much lately. I know every day must be a struggle and I'm sure you go through every emotion there is. Please know how strong you are and how much I admire you. That's probably no consolation, but I wanted you to know. Although I'm sure if was difficult without Robynn, I'm sure Hailey and Brady enjoyed the Valentine crafts. I can also understand your desire to teleport Brian to a happier place during the "love fest" in church. Ugh! I will pray that Brian's appetite returns and he will receive the nourishment he needs. My love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Shelley, Thank you again for all of your posts. You an your entire family are truly inspirational.

Brian, Brady and Hailey-
I know that Robynn/your mom is looking down on you and telling everyone else how proud she is of each of you (and bragging about what a good job she and your daddy did with you kids). The things I read that you have done, remind me of the exact things she would have done for you. She loves you very much and you have all been successful in making her very proud!
Brian, the only thing I can say is that you amaze me every day.

We are right down the street, let me know if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Army Goodell,
My hands are open willingly for what our Father sends as well.
I had a WONDERFUL WEEKEND WITH MY OFFICAL 5 MONTH OLD ALEXA,when I left Redding today it was the hardest thing I have had to do in a long time and I cried deeply.
I get off the freeway here in W.Sac and called our son-daddy
Benny and he was on his way to the hospital in Redding because after I left she had another episode and called 911 and while admitting her and R.N. witnessed her having an episode.We are grateful for that since it the 1st one that a medical personel witnessed
She has a catherater and I.V. and is in for observation.
I can not tell you the depth of concern for all of us but are grateful she can be watched.
Please Please pray for the Dr.s wisdom that they find out what is going on.
She has the cutest smile and cooes and makes me laugh soo hard.....
I thank you in advance for your prayers-you are a warm comfort blanket over us with prayers.
Praying in hope and love,
Grandma Miss Denise

I am so glad Shelley that you ate so well for Valentines day-so did we.Brian please eat we need your strength-I to bet that Robynn caught her Valentines.God Bless and Keep you all-always in my thoughts and prayers I love you all

Anonymous said...

(1st- Grandma Miss Denise...I am glad Alexa is getting the care she needs & will pray that the results will be revealed and remedied.)

(2nd- I will pray for Ruthi, and ask on behalf of my friend Chris S. who will undergo a double mastectomy this Friday the 20th, will receive the same prayer requests as Ruthi.)

(Questions for Shelley:

Did you attend the grief seminar by Dr. H. Norman Wright on 01-31-09?

What is the status of the prayer request from Kelly K. regarding Hayden's mom?

Also, Tracy Randalls father-in law?

Nicholas Cavalier?

Uncle Sonny?

Keep us in the loop with regard to Tanner!)

Lastly, I think it is beautiful that Brady & Hailey 'sent' their hand-made Valentine's towards the heavens for Robynn & that they could sense their Mom being with them.

I have so much empathy,compassion and concern for Brian since this last year has been an emotional endurance test and now that he is trying to buck up and keep life as 'normal'he just doesn't have an appetite for 'life's new normal'.

Not a single day goes by that I don't pray for all of you and hope that your pain & longing subsides and is replaced with peace & new promise.

Thanks for sharing your lives with us and in return we will continue to be your "Army of love,support,& prayer filled friendship!"

Jill West