Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's hard to believe it's been 2 months since Robynn left us! Seems like only yesterday I was listening to her laugh, watching her read to the kids, or teasing her for falling asleep as she tried her hardest to finish Twilight!

I wanted to leave you all something to think about when you may be experiencing a challenging or difficult time:

-God Doesn't Make Mistakes!
-The Lord Has A Plan For Us All; We don't have to understand it!
-Faith Will Help Us Overcome!

These are the main recurring themes for the kids and my daily discussions and prayers! Often times it is very easy to lose site of these simple truths especially with all the emotions that fill our days. I must admit that many times it is one or both of the kids reminding me of the above! (It still doesn't make it easy but at least it helps adjust my thinking.) Brady & Hailey are so amazing and I thank the Lord and Robynn multiple times a day for blessing me with them.

I must also thank all of you for your continued support and prayers for us. I know this has not been easy for all of us who care so deeply for Robynn. Your encouragement, thoughts, and prayers through your own difficult times is greatly appreciated!

God Bless You All!



Anonymous said...

Dearest Brian - You are such an inspiration. In your depth of grief, you take time to lift us up. And while I've never met you, I pray for God's intervention in your life. I pray He will bring someone into your life to fill the huge void. I pray for peace for you and your children. I pray for your family that stands strong and your sister who loves deeply.
God Bless and keep you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian. Was thinking of you guys yesterday - can't believe it's been two months either.

How wonderful that the kiddos have learned one of Mrs. Brown's tricks! Mrs. Brown was always about "redirecting" the kids when needed... sounds like they are redirecting you :) I'm sure it's a team effort where all three of you take turns redirecting each other. You are all so lucky to have each other :)

Melissa (Courtlynn's mom) and I were talking about this year's kindergarten sign ups and reflecting back two years ago when we were all in line waiting. It was a fun little event and so many were there ~ Nicole, Teresa, Kanika, etc :) and Melissa reminded me that you were sitting in between us. You had gotten up early and let Robynn sleep and then she came and took over. Melissa reminded me that even for kindergarten sign ups, Robynn looked fancy and beautiful and of course, she was excited as we all were. Hard to believe that just a year later, she was so very sick. We are all thankful for the happy little memories that you, the kiddos, and Robynn are a part of :)

Thank you for writing your post, it was beautiful :)

Kim :)

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! I am almost speechless at your faith and trust in God, but so thankful. Oh, the glory that bring to Him! May the Lord comfort and strengthen all of you beyond what you can imagine.

Anonymous said...


God took the best parts of Robynn & yourself to create 2 extra-ordinary children!!!

I too can't believe that two months have come & gone, but having said that,grace leaves a lasting impression and Robynn has permanently left an imprint on my heart.

I think you are astonishing and pray that blessings constantly crop up to bring you peace,joy & comfort!!!

In friendship~
Jill West

Emilie said...

I can't believe 2 months have passed. It still doesn't seem real. I think of her smile, and when I see your beautiful children I feel her presence. You are so blessed to have her in your life and have Brady and Hailey and all your memories. Continue to stand strong for her Brian!

Sheryl said...

I want you to know what an inspiration you all have been for me. I will never know you this side of heaven, yet you have impacted me. My life is far from easy but through the sharing of your journey I have learned to be grateful for all that I DO have. Praying God's continued peace for all of you. Praying that those kiddos would thrive and grow to love the Lord Jesus with all of their hearts. Praying for healing. Thanks so much for allowing even us strangers to follow along.

~Sheryl in Michigan is praying on.

MandyMarie12 said...


SO good to see your name on here, we have missed you. Your words are so positive and uplifting, if you weren't a Goodell I would be floored that someone has the strength to be so encouraging. Robynn would be so proud of how well you are doing and how your family continues to be the epitome of grace.

Like everyone else, I can not believe it has been 2 months. Feels like the memories are so close, as you said, they were made just yesterday. The wonderful thing about Robynn is that, miraculously, I feel her all the time. Jill said it best above, "grace leaves a lasting impression and Robynn has permanently left an imprint on my heart." SO TRUE. I have a picture of her by my bed (so I see her first thing when I wake up and am motivated to exercise), one in the kitchen (so I can hang out with her when I am baking) and one by the door (to remind myself what is important when I set out into the world). She crosses my mind so many times a day, I feel like I carry my friend around with me. I feel so blessed to have known such a perfect and inspiring soul, and so happy that she is still so much a part of my life.


"It's my strength for holding on, every minute that she has to be gone....I am carrying her love with me!"