Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let Us Be Servants of the Lord

True joy is a rarity for me these days, but not today! Today I joined my wonderful bible study group in preparing and serving over 200 homeless men and women. We provided pasta, salad, bread,soda,water, cookies and other desserts. We joined our plastic gloved hands as our fearless leader Christy prayed over the loud speaker as the men and women stood in line waiting for their hot meal. Her words ministered to us all as. One by one they came. Some came back 3 and 4 times...I loved that. They were polite and grateful. Some had big smiles and boasted with thankfulness. Others, with their heads bowed would offer a simple"God Bless". It touched me so deeply. I knew this was Gods way of giving me joy.
When I spoke to Brian, I know he heard the excitement in my voice. He even said he was going to find a way to do the same thing in his area. I told him it was bound to make a profound difference in his outlook. I felt hope and knew he needed to experience this. He even commented that helping others was always a sure way of making yourself feel better, but wondered if it was selfish. Call it want you want, it is what we were meant to do. Actually, we have been "commanded to serve". Sometimes I think we forget how great the reward is, so I am here to tell you... it is Ultra Stupendous, Fantastic, Fabulous and Amazing! It is one of the greatest gifts that gives back to your soul!
On my way home, I stopped at Vons and encountered and elderly gentlemen shuffling around looking perplexed. I put my 2 bags of groceries in my car and went back to check to see if he found his way. He had not. I walked over to him and asked if I could help him with something. he replied, "I can't find my car". I asked what make, model and color it was. "It's a sand colored Toyota Camry thats license plate ends in 38". I don't immediately spot it as I go aisle by aisle. I ask him if he entered thru the Bakery or thru the Floral dept. He says "Bakery", so I localize my search. Still nothing. Another woman stops and asks what I've lost and I reply, "his car". We share the information and she joins in the search. Probably 6 minutes have gone by and we spot his car(Floral dept side;). I thank the woman for helping and get this sweet gent to his car. He thanks me again and says," the next time I see you, I'm gonna buy you an ice cream cone". I tell him,"that sounds great"!
The cost to me was 6 minutes and the reward was priceless....

You know what to do "Army Goodell"!

Pray On!

PS Nothing from Miss Denise...sorry:(
PS2 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! Robynn is signing from Heaven!


Tonya Sandoval said...

I really loved your story about helping that sweet man to his car. Thank you for sharing. It totally put a smile on my face. Hope you guys are hanging in there with the new puppy. She sounds like a bit of a handful right now. Hopefully she will settle in soon. Good luck!
Tonya Sandoval

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley,

I imagine everyday is hard for you all in one way or another. This is the part my family had the hardest time with after my dad died... the part when other people start to move on with their lives faster than you do... the part when the ringing phone, the mail, and the meals start to slow down. please know that I think of your entire family every day! I left school the other day in a BAD mood and whining about how long the day was, basketball practice that night, and no food in the fridge. Then I wondered to myself what Robynn would think about my whining... and I put a smile on my face, thanked God my husband and I have jobs, paychecks, and good health. The goodness of Robynn is still felt through the blog by so many...EVERY day! Not much of a silver lining, but better than nothing!

Kelly K.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I feel cheated to not know Robynn and this amazing family. I'm so sorry for your losses (seemingly more than most), but look at you LIVING as if someone said, "Carry on soldiers!" I'm praying that God will bless you in ways you can't even imagine for your faithful service even in this time of great pain. How VERY precious you all must be the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Shelley it is amazing when you extend yourself and feel the love & appreciation for the little things that make up the day...what a gift to others as well as ourselves.

Just another wonderful reminder of how we can lend a hand, an ear, or however we are called to serve to make the world a better place.

You & Brian are excellent examples of being servants of the Lord.

Be blessed~
Jill West

Anonymous said...

I agree with your message, St. Philomene on El Camino every Tuesday night in Sacramento has a dinner. There is also an organization called Hands on Sacramento that will direct anyone to a place they can volunteer and they make sure the duties required are age appropriate. Last week at the church over 250 meals were served.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your stories. You inspire.
M oxford

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those beautiful stories of sharing. You have inspired me to go out in my community this weekend and be selfless. (Even if it does make me feel good- I will take it :)
Continued hugs & prayers-

Anonymous said...

Hi it's me at long last-Miss Denise,
It has been a loooonnng road in the hospital-Mon-Fri. and there are NO answers for her eppisodes.
THe tests tht they performed are as follows-EEG,multiple EKG,Lumbar puncture(it took 3 nurses to hold her and the resident ws shaking sooo badly but got all the fluid that was needed),sleep apane (sp)monitor,pulse ox,blood tests,urine testing(which showed a small bladder infection which she had iv antibotics)ct of her kidneys(fine) and that bought her an extra day and a half in the hospital for more observation.
She stole everyone's heart ane we had the Celtic Women c.d. on and we would sing to her and the staff would come in and listen or would pop their heads in and say just wanted to see what song was on.So calming
I am up in Redding spending 3 days with them and helping when I can-she is sooo HAPPY to be home and she truly is a happy baby that cracks us all up.
It is hard not knowing any answers but the LORD knows and our faith gets us thru everyting.
I am sorry that it took so long to get to you dear Army but I had no computer.
I want you to know that when Shelley posted about my Alexa I truly felt you there with me and I want to THANK YOU FROM MY HEART
PERHAPS me the un-techno will beable to have a pix posted---when I saw her with 29 electodes from her had and it was all bandaged up-it sure was scary.
They felt given her condition that an ambulance ride was not good enough and they flew her down by small plane and I was there when they got to the hospital and it was like the reality that nothing in life is guarenteed-but God's love and promise is....
I will keep you updated and keep my sweet granddaughter Alexa Michelle in your prayers and hearts.
Enough of me.
Shelley-imagine what you experienced serving-in Nicaragua we did that for the dear people that lived in the city dump of Messiah and some of them were 5 generations living there.So go and help and serve and yes it does help your soul-but the people are so much better for you stepping out of yourself to help them.
As one man at the dump told me in tears God Bless me for coming and not forgeting them-and that is what we should do when we can.
I love you all very much and I am always praying in hope and in love,
Solider Miss Denise
P.S. Benny and Jessica thank you for your prayers.
Our 2 girls were sooo great-imagine trying to change diapers and outfits with all those wires-my hubbie was afraid to hold her but id-troopers they were

MandyMarie12 said...

Miss Denise,

So happy to hear your grandaughter is home where she belongs! Hope everyone is enjoying their three day weekend. Glad to know the Goodell family is enjoying it together. Thinking of you as always,
