Sunday, March 30, 2008

1st Days Home After Round 2

Our girls has not been feelin so hot! She was really struggling yesterday with nausea and vomiting, and in general, her body was just not cooperating! Because of this, she missed opening day of baseball for Brady and Hailey:( Brian ran between the house to check on Robynn and the ball field/parade/pictures etc to watch the kids. What a scramble!
She should be getting her blood drawn today to check her levels, but we won't get the results immediately like we do in the hospital.
Today she feels, "not great,but better"! Baby steps!!!

Love to all!
Pray on,


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Robynn isn't feeling as well as she has been recently...given the intensive treatment I guess it is to be expected that she'd bounce from feeling relatively perky to not so perky.

We appreciate the update and will lift up prayers for rejuventation,restoration,healing and peace for the good of all the Goodell family!!!

The one passage that comes to mind repeatedly is..."Be still and know that I am." Rest & rely on God to be your strength at this time.

Jill West

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn, WOW, just read your webpage(sorry it took so long. Tried several times,but couldn,t access it.) How Beautiful you are, as pretty on the inside, as you are on the outside. Filled with Love, Courage, and Determination, all the ingrediants needed to win this war. And with such a strong army of all who love, support, and pray for you, Victory is yours. I look forward to seeing you, and touching your strength. Robynn, you make us all better people, Thank you for reminding us! I will continue my daily thoughts, and prayers of you, and for you. With you in Light, and Love your Friend, and Aesthetician Karen

Anonymous said...

Wish you felt better Robynn! I am glad you made it home though... Baby steps! Rest well and feel better soon! My prayers are for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn

I gave Jenni the biggest hug yesterday and I can not wait to give you the biggest hug. You are doing great even with each bump in the road. Know that Grandpa would be so proud of your strength. I know he is watching over you. I can not even begin with the different ways he has made himself present since his passing on Tuesday and that he is is looking after all his family...Especially you right now. You take care.

Big hugs,


Anonymous said...

Better is still moving in the right direction!! Hang in there Bean!!! You're on the road to recovery!! Carol and I went out to pick up some more donations, and she got some great gift certificates to several of the local restaurants- Chevys $, Lucilles $50, Chilis $25 (who is also donating a couple party platters the day of the event!), Starbucks, and Carinos (a new Italian restaurant) who gave us a $40 gift card for the event and then $40 in gift certificates for you and your family to dine there!! How thoughtful!! Our list is growing considerably!! We are going to have quite a few items to raffle at the Poker Tournament Everyone in the community are pulling for you!! It is going to be better soon!

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you sleep well tonight Miss Robynn. This is a tough road, but not one that you will travel alone. We are all with you through our thoughts and our prayers!!! You have a special place in so many hearts!!! I hope you start feeling better with each passing day.
God bless you Robynn!
God bless you Brian!
T. A. O.

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,

Thinking of you always. I'll be out pounding the pavement for you tomorrow...Lots to do!!! Your kids were adorable Saturday. I'll tell you what, Hailey has her hands full with both Jackson and Tyler on her team! ha ha. I uploaded lots of pictures to shutterfly for you guys. Got a great one of Hailey running to base, what form! She must get that from her Mommy.


Unknown said...

Hey Robynn~
Well, I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been having much success in the food arena, but, I pray that will turn around for you very soon! I am very glad that you are home and able to be with the family though. I know that as difficult as this must be, no matter how you’re feeling, it’s most definitely better at home where you have three beautiful faces :) :) :) to see you through.
Brian ~
I was really glad to read that you were able to get some rest yourself last week. You are doing an incredible job! Be proud of what you are able to accomplish each day! (Continue to Smile!)
Brady and Hailey ~
Hey guys! So, how was opening day?? Myron, Tre and I would sure love to come see you both play so let us know when your next game is, K? Hope you got lots of rest and have a great week at school.

I pray that this week will be restful and healing for you all.

So I know I haven’t given you a scripture in a few days. I thought I would give you a break to give you time to commit the other ones to memory. I found this one this morning and after I read the blog thought it fit.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Use this week to renew your strength physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that each day is new and brings new successes and challenges, but, I’m sure with each time you aren’t able to keep something down, it can become a little draining. This is a process and I must tell you the same thing I told to Brian. Be proud of what you accomplish daily. Gosh, you actually still accomplish more than a lot of us out there that aren’t going through what you are! :) You will overcome and with each day, you will become stronger and better.

Finally, I wanted to share something about eagles that I read about. When eagles are about 30 years old they go through a renewal process. They find a secret place high in the mountains and begin to claw at their face and tear out the feathers that have been damaged over the years. As a result, it bleeds badly. But this is necessary for the eagle in order to renew its strength. If it didn’t do this it would not be able to live to its normal 60 years of age.

When the eagle is free to soar in God’s creation, they are the cleanest of birds. They were created to be free and to soar to great heights. Most definitely, you have been created to soar too!! So think of this time as your renewal process. The nausea and cancer is the bad part of the process, but, when this is all over, you will not only be so glad it’s over, but you will have one incredible testimony to share!!

Love you friends ~ Sweet Dreams

Anonymous said...

hey Robynn- dianah from alabama here. I love the office too!
inappropriateness and all it is hysterical and michael really does mean well... anyway, my prayer group is meeting today and you will be at the top of our list! please tell your sister-in-law thanks for keeping us updated so we know exactly what you want us to pray for. you are so inspiring to me- love to you- dianah

melriz said...

Oh Bean!
I have some warm wishes that I am relaying to you from some old friends. Benji, Mike Maniscalco and Chad Schoenthal send their best! They are very sad to hear about you and wish the best for you and your family. Chad is doing something great, he is helping us get the grand prize for the poker is gonna be good! Once it is all finalized I will of course spread the word!
I love you beaner!

Anonymous said...


Aunt Marcy, Uncle Bob and Dawn we are praying for you. We are so proud of you and your fight to beat this. We send you are love, hugs and kisses. We know Grandpa would be so very proud of you. Keep uo the good fight. God is watching over our little angel.


Aunt Marcy and Dawn