Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

In case you missed the posting in the top right hand corner of this blog, please take a look.
This was the creation of 10 year old HAYDEN HARKER. She wanted to help Robynn and this was her idea put in motion. What a BIG contribution from such a small soul!
We are overwhelmed with Hayden's compassion and determination to find a way to help her sweet Robynn.

We are in awe of the donations already made in just one day! We are not surprised AT ALL by the generosity of family and friends but complete strangers are "taking up arms" to assist in our battle!!!

Pray on!



Kristy said...

Hi Robynn & Family,
We are organizing a fundraiser. We'll let you know the details as they become concrete. Everyone is praying for you and lining up to help!!!! A beautiful thing for a beautiful girl!!!

Hi Shelley,
Just wanted to say thank you for giving me a place to come to communicate and share love with Robynn and you and the rest of her family, friends and generous supporters! It is greatly appreciated!

darchans said...

Hi Robynn:

I read your blog everyday. You are just an amazing inspiring person.

I keeping thinking of us as kids getting intentionally stuck in the cow mud at the ranch :) Mom (grandma) would make us completely strip down before we could enter the house.

You are doing such a great job.

Keep up the fight.

My prayers are with you.

Love, Darcy


I called our local blood bank in Santa Rosa and they said they do not do credits anymore. Is it different in Roseville or did you find anything else out? I am still plan to donate blood either way. There are plenty of people that could use our blood. Also thank you so much for keeping all of us updated.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robynn, Shelly, Brian and all family members!
I appreciate being able to read the daily status of how things are going. Robynn & I worked together at Farmers Ins. in Bakersfield and I miss those days of crazy antics! Robynn ate so many carrots the palms of her hands turned orange,on Halloween she faked us all out with a phony nose piercing, and she gave my husband the nick name of Sparky that made him bonkers...Man...I miss you Robynn!!! Okay, you have our positive thoughts,prayers, and love and if I can have your permission I will let some of the other Farmers flunkies in on your situation so they can pray and perhaps, provide some financial aid.
Love & friendship,
Jilly Grover-West & Bob West
Email: Boogiegir@aol.com

kulfamily said...

Dear Robynn and family,

I'm still reading your blog daily as I pray.....I just wanted you to know your name is now on two different prayer list at different churches in my community. That extra support is coming your way!!! We love you and are here for you!! Keep up the good work sweetie!!!

with all our love and prayers,
Kristen, Ken, Kendle, and Konner

melriz said...


Like Kristy said we are praying for you and getting the ball in motion for a fundraiser to help you and your family out. Will be checking on you very often!!

Melissa (Missy)

Anonymous said...

Brian...this post is for you...
It is truly comforting to know that Robynn has such a wonderful man by her side through this ferocious fight. I can tell by reading the blog that you have not left her side since this ordeal began. And that you have done everything in your power to make sure she has the very best care. Your devotion is inspiring. I love you for taking such precious care of "our girl". I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this battle must be...but I have no doubt that you and Robynn will prevail. What a team! You are going to win. You are unbeatable together!
