Monday, March 3, 2008

Pray for lucky # 16

Robynn is doing laps around the hallways, as I'm sure you can imagine!;) All in all, she is tolerating the chemo pretty well, but is facing another dilemma. She has fluid retention that is causing extreme swelling in her belly and creating an extraordinary amount of pain. They can aspirate the fluid and relieve her discomfort if they are confident with her clotting levels. She received a plasma transfusion, but the numbers are not low enough to risk at this time.
Here is your challenge almighty prayers...her clotting level is a 17.5 and we need a 16 to have this procedure done. We decided that sedation until morning would keep her most comfortable. As a family, we agreed if you can't eat,sleep or drink, why be aware!!!!;)
Please pray her levels are a 16 at her blood draw in the morning!

She is prevailing with courage and grace as always!!!!!

Love you all,


Anonymous said...

I love you Lola. I have temporarily misplaced my phone but have been sending my positive thoughts and prayers to you all day (sorry I can't text) Stay strong beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Robynn, a few weeks ago Jared ask me to rent the first Rocky movie, he likes the music, after we watched it he kept asking me if Rocky had one the fight. I told him that the main point of the movie was that Rocky kept getting up every time he got knocked down, he would not quit! I know you have that same kind of spirit sweetheart, keep getting up!
Love Dad!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,

I just talked to Jenni and I sat down to write you a letter. My son looked at me and asked what was wrong, and I said, “Sometimes things happen and we can’t explain why they happen, they just do. And sometimes at first glance it can seem sad and scary, but then once you think about it, it may not be. It may be that everything will be alright, it just takes some time.” So, he probably thought, “What the hell did she just say?” He may not have understood it, but it became clear to me as I spoke to him. I realized that the one person who could beat this thing is you. You, the girl with more energy than I could ever dream of (these days) more heart than one person is capable of holding, more spunk and feistiness (God, I love you) than ten “Flo’s” combined (remember we used to laugh about that actress on “Alice” who stuck the gum behind her ear?) the one who told her father, “Please stop, your nose is growing, and I don’t think you can afford it to get any bigger,” the one who conspired with a close friend (wasn’t me ;) to dump some “stuff” into Curtis’ locker because he had vandalized ours, the one who treats people with a love that no one could compare to, you told an ex boyfriend (among MANY other things) that I was your friend long before he came along and to back off, (did I mention spunk and feistiness?) the one who did leg lifts HOURS after giving birth to her FIRST child!!!! (Move over Jane Fonda, here comes someone scarier!)
At first I was scared and sad, and then I began thinking about you and everything you have ALWAYS been, and I had an epiphany, (one so real it sent a chill through my body) YOU CAN BEAT THIS!!! I KNOW YOU CAN!!! And I mean, I KNOW YOU CAN!!! I feel this “know” with every bit of my mind, body and soul. I know you and I know you will win!!! And I will do everything and anything in my power to help you do it!!! You tell me what you need, and I will do whatever I can! I LOVE YOU more than words can say!

With so much love,

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are constant...Robynn, you and Brian are on our minds, no matter what we are doing. Our relationship with God feels renewed...HE might even consider me a nag, like my husband does...yip, yip, yip...and yet, I know he hears ALL OF US! We love you ...YOU ARE STRONG...YOU KEEP FIGHTING...every day things are a changing, new advances are being you keep those sleeves rolled up!!! So much love, much love!
May God continue to bless you and guide you through this time,

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone-
Just wanted to let you all know that I checked at the blood bank and they said that our blood doesn't have to match Robin's for us to donate. Just give your pint and the blood bank will give her whatever kind she needs. So just go over there and put out your arm!!!