Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Round 2

She got into her room at 11am yesterday, but didn't get started on 1st batch of chemo til 11:30pm. The 2nd chemo drug(we refer to it as The Red Devil:) was added at 2:30am and has to run continuously for 72 hours. When this is complete, they will take one more day to just keep an eye on how she's doing. So far, she is tolerating the chemo very well. Her tummy is still a little distended, but her body does seem to be reabsorbing the blood that had escaped. This is evident by the severe bruising that wraps around her right side, back and down her leg. Her left side is not responding the same and is much tighter when you touch it. We hope that when that pocket is drained, both sides will be more even and closer to disappearing completely!

She is trying to get some rest. The nurses were in and out all night and that makes it extremely hard to get much sleep.

Sweet dreams, sweet Robynn......

Pray for peace, rest and comfort!



Anonymous said...


I miss you very much! I love you and I hope your not sick anymore when we come back. I love Brady, Hailey and Brian.

Gage (age 5)

Anonymous said...


Praying for you as always! You're doing it Robynn!! Keep on keepin' on!

Lots of love, hugs, and prayers!
Kristy & family

Anonymous said...


You may not remember me but we went to Casa together and had a few of the same classes. I remember you as a very nice, kind, and friendly person. In high school you were always upbeat, smiling and having fun. It seems that you are still that way today and it really is a special quality.I read this blog regularly and think of you often. I pray that you conquer this illness and regain your health. I look forward to seeing you when our 20 year reunion rolls around! Also, your family sounds wonderful; it is awesome you have such a strong support system.

Stay Strong,

Jennie Schwartz (Guthrie)

Anonymous said...

We pray!!! As always!!! Tons of love and much prayer!!!
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You inspire so many...maybe we are all stronger than we think we are!!! You seem to show us that every day!
Got your fightin' gloves on???? KNOCK 'EM OUT, GIRLFRIEND!!!!!
God bless!
T. A. O.

Anonymous said...

Robynn's luminescent! Her lovely spirit, the love,prayers & support that surround her-- shine through her smile. We are so happy that Easter and her birthday made for a wondeful celebration. We are praying diligently for the continued treatments to restore Robynn back to perfect health and you all are the type of family we all aspire to have.
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

We went to Casa and where on drill team together. I don't know if you remember me (Nicole Burnet). My husband graduated from Casa too in "91". His name is Joe McIntosh and he has a sister Josette McIntosh. I don't know if you remember any of us but my friend Elizabeth McCall(Clegg) is neighbors with Gelika and that is how I heard about this blog.
I remember you as a very happy, outgoing and fun person and that is how you seem to be today! I just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and stay strong through this. I believe you are a strong women and have a wonderful family to support you and you can beat this. We are thinking of you and your family!

Take care,
Nicole McIntosh (Burnet)

Anonymous said...

Robynn, my little Wobbyn,
you look absolutely beautiful in the new photos. Even sickness can't rob you of your natural beauty. Hey! Remember when we would ride in the car doing the dance, the makarena? I don't even know if I am spelling it or pronouncing it correctly, but I am sure that you know what I am talking about. Well, you had your own little style of doing it; a special little wiggle as the last part of the dance. Well, you still have your own style girl! You're unique, you're special, and you continue to inspire me with your courage. I continue to pray for you, and I continue to thank God for you being in my life and for you being such an inspiration to all. Bwyaan!! You are some guy, and together, you two are really something special. Wow! Hat's off to you for being brave for us all. I love you.
- Chocolate Chip

Anonymous said...

I hope you remember me. Lorelee Scipione, PA at Family Doctor Medical Group. Steve and I just found out the news-I wanted to say to you, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I feel connected to your family as we have shared so many stories about our children-Please give your wife my best and I will send up many prayers for healing.
Much Love to your family and kiddos.
Lorelee Scipione

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Kim Funks and have been following your updates - you sound like an amazing woman and I am cheering you on. GO GIRL!


Anonymous said...

Robynn and Brian,
Hospital life-I pray that you both can get the much needed rest.Just keep your eyes upwards and fight with all of your might.I just am so amazed at you and I am so proud that you are my friends.People at the Pre school in the afternoon class send their prayers your way as well.I love all the new pixs on the blog and the 3 of you with not much hair-all I can say is woooo eee you are still that natural beauty along with your guys.
God Bless And Keep His Watchful Eye on you all.I am so glad that you have 2 web cams that will be so nice for you and the kiddos.
I love you.Miss Denise

Tonya Sandoval said...

Lauren says... "I am sorry that your medicine made you lose your hair. I wish I could have given my hair to you when I donated it. Congratulations on your new wig. It looks so stylish on you! I hope you are feeling better soon."

I love, love, love all of the new photos. You look fabulous with or without the wig. It's pretty amazing how you can pull that off pretty girl! I hope your chemo continues to go well this week. We will continue to check on you (via the blog) every chance we get.
Tonya Sandoval & Family

Unknown said...

Hi Robynn,

Hope your day was restful, peaceful and comforting! Was thinking about you today (pretty much just like every day!:o)~ ) Remember when I told you about the experience I had at that prayer room? Well, I'm not sure if I shared with you all of what they told me. They said that God is always with us, but, He absolutely LOVES to be invited into our day. He, like a guest coming to visit, wants to be invited in, but He wants to truly share in our life, each and every day.(so be sure to invite Him in every morning when you wake.) They also said that He wants us to tell Him what we want(and be specific). . . I want to encourage you to do the same) Let Him know exactly what you want. He basically already knows, but, when we take the time to express it verbally to Him, we also give it life and we begin to understand how much we are asking for, how much we depend on Him and how easily He can provide it! I tell you this because as I have been doing this for you; I have seen Him work many miracles in your life; and I know there are many more to come! Thank you for helping me see the importance of faith ~ no matter the trial! :o)

Well, this evening I found another scripture that I think you can remember easily and recite with confidence. Here goes:

With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies. Psalm 108:13

Yep, cancer, you hear that??!! Get to packin' ~ You are NO competition for our Robynn! :O)

Lord, we thank you. . . thank you for you, for family, and for friends. Continue to work in Robynn and Brian, and work through them as well. Lord, help them to share their heart's desire with you and comfort them through the rest of this week. Father, we want Robynn's numbers to not only be good, but, to be GREAT!! We want the doctors and nurses to just be stunned with how remarkable her progress is. We want COMPLETE healing of every cell, tissue, muscle and bone in Robynn's body. We want COMPLETE Victory! And according to your word, she will gain that Victory. We will all gain in being witnesses to this miracle and you will have all the Glory! Lord, we are claiming the largest blessing ever! And you are the Ultimate Provider!! God, you truly ROCK!

Finally Lord, we invite you and your Holy Spirit into the rest of our evening and our day tomorrow. Fill all the empty spaces within Robynn, Brian, Brady, Hailey and Shelley with your peace, love, healing and joy! Pour out your presence over each of them right now, and may it be so strong and abundant that they can do nothing more but be still and bask in your warmth! Thank you Lord! Let us all sleep well, for victory is coming!

Love you friends ~ Sweet Dreams ~

Anonymous said...

You are once again, my Potato Head. Just as beautiful as the first time I laid eyes on you! After reading all that those who love you have written, I believe God has given us a collective "I could have had a V-8". A smack in the forehead for a lot of people. Your challenge has reminded so many of us that the only things that really matter are LOVE, TRUST and FAITH! I know God has you in the palm of his hand and that is what keeps me from being angry. You have always been as thoughtful, sweet and selfless as you are now. So, I think the lesson was put there for the rest of us who have been touched by this....and that's a lot of people! You just happen to be the conduit. In honor of you, I promise I will never hold back on the mushy stuff! I love you so much Potato Head! Aunt Jill XXXXXXXX OOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Angel!

I bet you're doing great as usual!! I wanted to tell you, Kim Funk invited Carol and I to sell books at their event! We are going to donate a portion of the sales to the event! We're so looking forward to April 4th at Our Lady of Grace!

We love you, Robynn!!

Love, hugs and prayers!
Kristy & family

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn, I'm so glad to hear that you had a wonderful birthday and a Happy Easter. You look stunning in all of your picture (I'm so not surprised!) We miss you and look forward to a speedy return from the hospital.