Saturday, March 8, 2008

Knock us down, but know we will GET UP!

It is a strain to say "good morning", but I'm gonna say it anyway! Good Morning!
We are waiting for the results of her morning blood draw to see if her transfusions helped.
We received more bad news when we were told she has developed Neutropenia.

What Is Neutropenia?
There are many types of white blood cells, each with specific roles, but their main job is to fight infection. Neutropenia is a condition in which there are very low amounts of white blood cells in the body, especially neutrophils. Neutrophils are abundant in a healthy person, making up about 70 percent of all white cells in the body. Since white blood cells attack harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi, neutropenia increases the risk of infections.

As a result of this condition, she can have no flowers, plants, fresh fruit or veggies. Visitors are extremely limited and anyone entering her room must take major precautions to limit the transfer of germs. If she wants to walk the halls she must be masked. They usually will administer antibiotics to help her body fight possible infections, but risk her building a resistance to them as well.
Brian will be the only one with her for a while. We expect this precaution will give her the least exposure to harm.

I wish I had something better to report, but I am hopeful that we will have just the littlest bit of good news on our girl today! I don't even have to be with her to know she is taking this news like a champ! I have no doubt she continues to smile and looks to God to help her battle on!!!

Chin up warriors!



Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn,
Don't be discouraged by the todays developments. You'll get there!!!! Take this quiet time with Brian to focus on the fight. You guys can do it. I am positive!!

Yesterday, Melissa sent all of us "Casa girls" some cute pictures of you from high school. Made me smile so big!! One was of you on the quad cheering at a rally or something...and guess who was in front of you cheering? ME...of course!! Inseparable :) :)

I am so lucky to have you in my life!!

Anonymous said...

I have all 5 of my chins up!!! I will anxiously await news that her blood count is good. YES!!! KEEP GERMS AWAY!!! I remember that was so hard when my mom was going through her fight...but in the end it really paid off!!! For quite a while I would just drive by her house and honk and call and tell her to look out the window....Robynn, people want to be with you....KNOW THAT WE ARE ALL WITH YOU IN SPIRIT! Hang tough!! This is a rough time...BUT YOU CAN PULL THROUGH IT!!!! So much love and prayer!

Anonymous said...

So I was watching a stand up comedy routine on TV, and the comedian said, "Whitney Houston recently said her man, Bobby Brown, is the King of R&B." The audience murmurs in disbelief. "Yeah, she just said this, and I was like, Whaaa? Bobby Brown the King of R&B? He's more like the King of R&R, the man hasn't made a record in like 20 years!"
So it came to me, that someone's liking the rest and enjoying her stay! I know it... go ahead, you can admit it!! ;) kidding... Keep your beautiful face looking upward and your feet kicking... kicking the uh "heck" out of this thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn and Shelley,
I just found out about your condition last week and it touched me deeply. I have been following your blog daily. Your courage and strength amaze me and I want to do something to help.
Every time I see someone with one of your necklaces it reminds me of you. I'm aware that you are unable to make necklaces at this time so I have decided to order one of your necklaces through in your honor, because it will inspire me and give me strength. I will consider it an honor to wear one of your necklaces.
You've been on my mind constantly and I pray that God will give you the strength you need to get through this. You are such an inspiration to all of us.
Sincerely, Deb, Brad, Hannah and Macy McCann

Judy Lee said...

Dear Robynn:
Today, yet a new challenge. Today, heightened prayers. Today, renewed faith; for GOD is Able, and we know it as we have seen HIS proof again and again. Keep your faith knowing that GOD blesses us for having it even as small as a mustard seed; confront the challenges with great optimism and hope not defeat, and GOD will bless you again and again. Take one day at a time and for each day, be thankful that the almighty has blessed you yet another day. Each day, no matter what the challenges, is a blessing. Remember, there is absolutely "nothing", I mean "nothing" too great for HIM to handle. Where doctors are doubtful, GOD is dutiful. Give it to HIM and leave it for HIM to fix it. HE will somehow make a way. Don't give up the fight, and "never" give up on faith. I'm with you all the way as everyone is. We're all rooting for you and have strong faith that this too shall pass. You "will" stand the test of time. I love you a thousand times a billion.
- Chocolate Chip