Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 4

Dear Friends and Family,

Last night was very rough for our girl. Our plan of "knocking her out"was met with great resistance. She struggled with the extreme discomfort and pain of her swelling tummy as well as nausea and vomiting. To make matters worse, her clotting level did not reach 16. As I write this, she is finally asleep and receiving 2 units of blood and 2 units of plasma. We hope that when the transfusions are done her level will have dropped enough to have her tummy aspirated.
Please pray for Peace! If we can keep her at peace and comfortable through this process it will be a lot more bearable.
On a positive note, she did eat about 8 bites of cream of wheat for me and kept it down...HOORAY!

She feels all the love you send her way...keep it comin!



Anonymous said...

For those of you who know Robynn, you will nod your head and agree this is just like her, but for those of you following this blog who don’t know Robynn, I’d like to tell you about a cherished memory I hold dear to me about this amazing girl.

Robynn and I headed to the park to play a few recreational sets of tennis. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, some children laughed and played in a nearby play structure, and Robynn and I cheerfully volleyed the ball back and forth inside a caged court with your standard green floor and tightly held three to four foot high net. A strange, painful sensation erupted in the side of my neck, and I dropped my racket and grabbed my neck with both hands, leaning forward and slightly hunched over I let out a painful cry. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my dear friend (who didn’t just call out, ‘Are you okay?’) throw her racket across the court, sprinted towards me, hurdled (yes, hurdled that net like an Olympic track star) and rushed to my side. Grabbing on to me in a sideways hug she kept asking if I was okay. She had just watched a movie where someone acted in a similar fashion and something dreadful came of it. So, as the concerned and loving friend that she is, she rushed to my side to make sure I was okay. I think I pulled a muscle, but Robynn wasn’t going to take any chances and insisted we get home to my mother, a Registered Nurse, and verify I was in fact okay. How many people can say this about their dear friends?

Let us all rush to Robynn’s side (like she would do for anyone) and give her and her family a huge hug in the form of prayers, support, and contributions if you can. She is an incredible woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend.

With love and prayers to the entire family,

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn,
I am sending you the biggest, longest hug I have ever given you. Please find peace and strength in thoughts of happy times...us on the beach in Hawaii, hiking in Yosemite, getting ready for your wedding (why we're YOU doing my hair??). You are such a special girl. Such a bright part of all our lives.

I love you Bean.

ronandrea said...

Rest and relax and grow stronger.
Let go and let God share your load.
He'll guide you through each day and make your spirits strong.
Luv you lots,
Andrea and Ron

Anonymous said...


I gave blood for you today, and will continue until you are home and well! The entire 3rd grade says "hi" and they miss you! A lot more cards and pictures will be coming your way!

Love, Vanessa (AKA Ms.S!)

Sean said...


We have you in our thoughts constantly. You are strong. You will beat this. One step at a time.

Sean (Kerrie's husband)

Unknown said...


This does not need to be posted, however, I have several people who have offered to give blood for Robynn, but, I don't know what her blood type is. . . can someone let us know via blog?, or, feel free to call or email me directly at 916-248-3013 or sabrinawilson50@sbcglobal.net or sbwilson@sfd.cityofsacramento.org.
Thank you so much for the updates! We are all reading them regularly! It is amazing how many people just want to help in any way they can; people who do not even know her. . . God Is Good! :o)

Bree-Ann said...

Kerrie e-mailed me yesterday and let me know what you are going through. I've been praying for you and missing you and feeling such crazy feelings. Amazing how it's been so many years since I've seen you but I feel like it was just yesterday. I know you have so many people in your life wanting to help because of the amazing woman that you are but it is so hard to want to take it all away from you but not being able to.
I too just had surgery for a mass that was inside me. Actually... Valentines Day. I was at Sutter Roseville and while I'm not sure if you were there then, it has been the hardest experience to come to terms with after learning about what you have been going through. I was lucky. My mass was diagnosed as benign. I don't know how to word how I am feeling. Guilt is one of the feelings. I know you are not happy with what I just wrote but it's the truth. I know you would not want me or anyone else in the world to go through what you are but I too do not want YOU going through it. No one wants someone to suffer but as I continue to read and feel for myself, YOU are one of the VERY last people this should happen to. You are a very beautiful person inside and out and if there is anyone who can beat this...it is YOU! I am praying so deeply for you. Please stay strong and beat this.
I sooooo love you Robynn and if you knew how much you've effected my life and that of so many others, you would be amazed. You truly are a gift from God.
All my love, my prayers and my thoughts,