Friday, December 5, 2008

Blood Work is Back

Her levels are all good...Hip Hp Hooray! Doc says he will release her to a regular room, but Robynn and Brian are determined to get out of the hospital all together. They are hoping that staying in the hotel across the street will convince them to give her the boot! She so wants to sleep in a real bed, sight see and enjoy the gorgeous weather.
She is on track to start the Yondelis trial Monday and in a perfect world go home Tuesday.

Psalm 103:2
Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Awesome news! Thank you sweet Lord!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan to me! S thanks for clarifying the Yondelis thing for Monday! When I read the earlier post about going home, I thought it meant that Yondelis was a NO. So that is great to see.

Hope you all have a great weekend :)
