Thursday, December 4, 2008


She was moved to ICU last night and they will be keeping her there until they can figure out the cause of her fevers, why the blood loss and where the blood going.
She has one bag to go on her transfusion.
Brian said they are "just chillin in their luxury ICU suite"
Glad to hear they still have a sense of humor;)

Love to all!
Stand Strong in Prayer!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the information and upates, Shelley.

I'm sending good thoughts and prayers for you Robynn. I'm wishing you some relief from the high fever and that the blood loss minimizes quickly.

We're all standing by you and wishing we could help in some way.


Michelle H.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robynn! I've never commented before, but I've always check your least 10 times a day! I don't have the power of inspirational words like many of your other friends and family! I just want to know that you are always on my mind! Hang in there girl and you've never left my prayers!:)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

We hope that the doctors reveal the source of the blood loss and remedy the situation so that she will qualify for the Yondelis treatment and pray that her liver enzymes are within the limits needed so she can begin this medical regimen.

Prayer,prayer & more prayer are on today's agenda!!!

Love & friendship~
Jill & Bob West

Anonymous said...

Robynn and Brian,
How my heart breaks for you both that you have to go through so much...As the song is saying right now....KEEP HOLDING ON!!! You are in our constant thoughts and prayers...ALWAYS!! I know it must be so hard to hear us all say HOLD ON..FIGHT....YOU CAN DO IT....
But you have just shown us over and over how strong you are and we want you to know that we are all behind you cheering you on. If anyone can do it...YOU CAN!!! And if you ever just feel like telling us all to SHUT UP!! Do that.... We can take it :) You are probably saying 'tell her to SHUT UP' right I will :) But just remember how much we all love you and thank you for all of your inspiration!
Lord, please watch over Robynn.

Unknown said...

I second what B says, except for the part about “tell her to SHUT UP right now” =) We love you both; just know if we could change places, you would have a constant rotation of the hundreds of people who would take a turn for you so you wouldn’t have to!

All right cancer; I normally try to not even acknowledge you by name; as I feel like I'm giving you life and permission to reek this havoc. We’ve all had enough of you! We command healing over Robynn right now, by the Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. CANCER, BE GONE!!!!

Shelley, I am looking forward to your next post when you let us know that Robynn has done a 180 and is on her way home! =)

FORTITUDINE VINCIMUS FRIENDS ~ one day at a time. We're going to get through today!

MandyMarie12 said...

Fortitudine vincimus!!