Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Little Wobbly...

...but we are still Standing Strong!

Thank you for holding us up!

All my love!
Pray On!

2 Corinthians 1:3
Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort.


Heidi said...

Praying for an unrestless night! Hang in there Robynn, you have a lot of people out here pulling for you! I mentioned your story to a friend and she has put you on her prayer list at church...all the way in North Carolina! We're rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

Wobbly is good! I'll take wobbly. :) Enjoy your night and stay nice and toasty, it's too cold out there. I continue to stand in agreement that you will have comfort, strength and be able to receive nurishment. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful day and all that you have filled it with!

Standing Strong With You,
Kellie Stroud :)

Anonymous said...

Wobbly is good...wish we could say it was from too much wine:( We are thinking of you often here in CO...still steadfast in our prayers that Robynn remain comfortable and that your entire family can find comfort in the INCREDIBLE amount of love and prayer coming your way...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Robynn~
I am constantly thinking of you and praying for you :) :)

All of my love,

Shea said...

God Bless you Robynn!! I am so glad you got to see the tree decorated. I am sure your children were so excited to show off for mommy. I hope you can get control of your nausea. I am praying for you sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Wobbly is O.K. Our prayers are with all of you. Praying that Robynn is able to enjoy her family and the Christmas season.

Stand Strong all of you!! Love & God Bless

Anonymous said...

Wanted to post sooner but my computer is on the fritz, using the hubby's...glad that the meds are offering a little more rest, Shelley it really makes us gals feel our best to have 'our face on' so the makeup probably made Sweet Robynn feel a little better, and who doesn't like Jamba Juice?!

Sending smiles,hugs,love,prayers & hopes for better rest and feeling perkier during waking times!

Jill West

melriz said...

Standing strong..was there ever a question?

I was just telling Rob a story that I remembered about you Bean from way back in the day...Remember when you and Kimmie stole my moms car? Well not "really" stole, but rather borrowed. Of course it was to go get boys, parents gone and Kim the only one with a drivers license and me giving the keys...but then what happens parent come home while you guys are stil out (Kim got lost and took the long way) so who gets in trouble....NOT BEAN! Kim's parents are called she gets picked up and in that little space of time my mom is looking at Beans face and, I'm not gonna get her in trouble also...So the outcome that had Rob cracking up....Kim's mom comes to pick her up and you and I get a ride WITH Kim's mom to party..Kim's face was we get out and thank her mom for the ride..a big frown on lil Kimmies mug as they drive away...OMG....I will never for get that...Even back then you had something about you that made people think twice...(my Mom still remembers that night and smiles)
Please get some rest tonight beaner...
Thinking of you always!
Love U!
Melissa (Missy) Risberg

christine Booth said...

Good evening sweet girl, hope your stayin warm its pretty chili outside. wobbly is a good sign that means your still standin strong, that's our girl...I hope you rested well today and you find comfort tonight and get some. I still feel your smile all the way in Bako and I really had a good feeling about the way you felt today, I hope I was feeling right.
Love you bunches sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

Will you please tell Robynn I passed Phase II. Brian and Robynn were my good luck charms for every step in my journey. They both mean the world to me and I wanted to thank them for being so helpful and wonderful. Thank you Shelly.
I hope she has had and ok day and that she is getting to spend lots of quality time with family. Love to all of the goodells!
M oxford

Anonymous said...

Brian, you have been so gracious for sharing your beautiful wife with us when you probably wanted to keep her to yourself and family. This year has been so bittersweet for me because I was able to enjoy so much more time with Robynn than I have in previous years. She awed me in so many ways as I came to know her as a mother, wife, daughter and friend.
There are 3 precious memories that became “our” time. Everyone needs a special time just to be with Robynn. My favorite memory was greeting her in the big state of Texas. I ran so hard to meet your flight and hugged you both so hard. Wiping away the tears, I waved and cheered you on to fight hard in Houston.
My second cherished memory involved 3 other close friends. My best birthday in my adult years was started with you baking a cake for Dina and myself. It was not a store bought cake, but one made from scratch. With all that you were experiencing, I cannot tell you how special that made me feel. I felt so loved on that night.
The third and most cherished memory was welcoming you home to California for the final time. I will never forget you and Brian walking down the stairs and embracing you so very hard and promising to be there for you.
I know that I have not been the most diligent friend and I am not very proud of that. I can tell you that I have learned so much through this experience and I hope to make you proud over the years.
As much as Brian will allow, I will be there for Hailey and Brady. Rest assured, I will be blowing kisses as long as he needs them.
Until we meet in heaven with our coffee mugs.
Big hugs from West Sacramento with love. Your adoring friend,


Anonymous said...

if we could all be so blessed in our greatest need, to have an in-law like you. You are truly a treasure and I want to thank you for keeping us abreast of this little angel's condition each step of the way. I am continuing to pray for God to provide a way somehow. I now am praying that He will allow Robynn to hold down any food or drink that she intakes since she has the desire to eat/drink. I also pray for her restlessness to settle down. Blessings to you all.
Brian, you know how I feel about you. You too are an angel. Robynn is fortunate to have you.
- Choc. Chip

Anonymous said...

Sleep tight Sweeite,
Praying for all the yuckies to subside. Peace and comfort.
Matt still loves you more....

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn

This is the first time that I have left a post. We went to junior high and high school together and I have been visiting your blog daily and praying for you since I learned of your battle. Like so many have said already, you are an amazing woman and a true inspiration. Friday December 19th is my birthday. I wanted you to know that when I blow out the candles on my cake, my wish will be for the miracle that you so deserve.

Keep standing strong!


Anne (Goffin) Schoep

Tonya Sandoval said...

Hey Pretty Girl,
Just read your friend Missy's post. So, you never told me you were once an accomplice to a crime. Grand theft auto none the less. How scandalous. I love it. It doesn't suprise me that you were able to flash those baby blues and walk away from it without punishment.
I hope you have a restful night. I am picturing you snug as a bug in bed sleeping peacefully through the night without even a hint of the "yuckies."
Love ya,

Unknown said...

Hi there friend ~ So tonight was Tre’s winter concert at school. Gosh, he did so well, My and I both had goose bumps. At the end of one of his solos, they applauded and yelled so loud for him. I was So Proud! ;) We really enjoyed seeing him not just “participate” in something, but to see him truly Love playing his music was exhilarating! There were moments that some of the songs played, or Christmas carols sung brought you and your family to mind. Coming home I asked My to drive by the house. I loved all the lights on your street; it was so pretty and calming. A feeling of pure Joy crept into my spirit. (Like when I was a child. It was a nice change from the sadness that seems to have taken up residency since Monday evening.) It was at that moment that I realized that as much as I want to hold on to you, have one more Bunco game, get together, text or hug; you having the ultimate peace; and not being in any more discomfort, or experiencing constant nausea, suddenly would bring me the purest of Joys! Please know that I am not saying this to rush things. I just feel like the Lord was showing me something I was not allowing myself to think about or accept. He was in so many things this evening. He was in the Choral Group from a public school who sang “What Child is This.” He was with the high school students playing traditional jazz as well as, if not better than some adult groups that I’ve heard. (The heart and passion that these students showed was amazing!) He was in the beauty of the Christmas lights in our neighborhood, to the thoughts of you and your whole family, who are all there as we speak, doing everything possible to keep you comfortable. He is in all of it. He is amazing; and of course, so are you. I have since thanked Him for these moments and for taking the time for the lesson.

I know Bekah and I shared the story of a friend of ours in the Bay Area who lost her battle in July ‘07. Before she was ill she was a “big time” runner. The morning she went to be with the Lord; Bekah and I were running at that exact time. It was the most exhilarating run we have ever had. We have both agreed we have not felt that Good while running since. We felt so honored that she joined us on our morning run before she went on. Several of us agree that she was now running on streets of gold in heaven. She was now able to feel her legs again and live pain free for eternity! When you and the Lord decide that it’s time for you to go home, and you are looking for a jogging partner, I hope you will look for Karen. I’m sure she will be happy to show you around. I know you will have much to discuss as you are both so much alike. Would you also please give my niece Dani one of your Robynn hugs from me? That’s interesting. . . I think maybe God can only take so long without his most precious angels in heaven so He must call them home from earth earlier than we would ever want. I love you Robynn. I pray this will be a peaceful night. He is with you; holding your hand, and embracing Brian, Brady and Hailey.

I know I’ve shared this one with you before, however, I feel lead to share it once more. . .

I know what I am planning for you, says the Lord. I have good plans for you . . . I will give you hope and a good future.
Jeremiah 29:11 NCV
Your eternal future is too bright for words. . .

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27 NKJV

Anonymous said...

Love lasts forever, Miss Robynn. We love you.