Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Settling In

She made it home without incident. We were totally prepared for any and all hurdles we might have to hop over, but with God as our pilot,there were none.
Brian, the kids, Matt, Erin, my mom and dad went and picked out a Christmas tree. They strapped it to my parents car and brought it home. The house smells sooooooo yummy. It definitely brought some much needed Christmas spirit. We hope to get her out to her favorite chair, get the holiday tunes pumpin and decorate a way with her observing the chaos;)
She is still battling the "yuckies" on and off, but at this moment is a 2 thumbs up.

Stand Strong Army Goodell!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Thank you as always for your updates. You are an amazing person and writer :)


Anonymous said...

Hi sweet friend,

I am picturing you snuggled in your chair with Mousse on your lap. I know that you are so glad to be home and with your family in quiet, peaceful solace. You have been the strength behind this fight which so many of us joined without pause. You were brave and fought for so long and so well without complaint. It is okay to let go and find comfort in knowing the place you are going is without pain, sadness, regret, suffering...Your body is tired and weary, but your eternal soul is just beginning flourish. Your external beauty was enough to make you stand out in a crowd, but it pales next to the beauty and richness of your spirit.

You told me after you were diagnosed that you weren't "worried about where you were going", but that your worries were with Brian and the kids after you were gone. Rest assured that your family and friends will continue to "stand strong" and support your loved ones after you are no longer here to support them yourself.

I hope that I can say I love you and hug your beautiful self again. No amount of time with you would be enough. Our last visit was so unexpected and treasured. I relish in the memory of every word we spoke, every hug you offered, every kiss you gave. I have learned so much from you, and you will always be such an inspiration to me for as long as I am allowed to be on this earth. You have told me that cancer was the best thing that happened to you because you felt so loved. We talked about how even as close friends we don't share our "heart felt feelings" as we should. We don't act like life is short when in reality it is a whisper. I am trying to be like you, Robynn and look at all of the miracles that surround us daily; all of the positive interpretations that can be deciphered in this whole #%$&&@%!! experience. You have affected everyone that has ever known you, or spent any time with you. I don't think that I will ever find another who so fully understands the meaning of life, love, spirituality, family, motherhood. I pray that I may learn to attain the faith that you so boldly lay claim to. I will hold your memory and our friendship close to my heart forever. I will miss you more than you will ever know, and I promise my closet will always be color coordinated like you made it. :)

Your light will not extiguish with your journey home, Robynn. It will continue to shine in and through the lives of those who you have touched. I feel like I now have two lights that I will let shine. Yours, and the Lord's.

Save me a place up in that vast holiness, and I will reunite with you again when the Lord permits. I love you, I love you, I love you!
Forever your faithful friend and sister in Christ:) Dana

Anonymous said...

Robynn and entire family -
Although I have not seen or talked to you since high school you have forever changed my life. Because of you I have held my children tighter, kissed my husband a little longer, and prayed harder, you have inspired me to be a better person. Thank you for allowing us to all be on this journey with you, this has been a true testament to your faith. I have worked with Hospice nurses for many years, know that they too are angels on earth. Allow them to use their gifts to help you and your family make it thru this time.

With love and tears,
Dawn Lenakakis (Hanna)
Casa class of 91

MandyMarie12 said...

Welcome Home and MERRY CHRISTMAS, Robynn!!!

christine Booth said...

Brian you truly are a wonderful husband and father. I'm so happy you and you family went out and got a christmas tree. I bet if you get robynn in her favorite chair she will point out were she wants all haley and Brady's decorations from over the years. she sure is a fighter and I truly believe you and those precious children give her so much will and strenght, but most of all peace. I hope you enjoy every moment tonight surrounding you're tree with your family and love.
please tell your parents I have been taking in there paper and keeping an eye on the house.
But mostly kiss Robynn and tell her the spot she filled in my heart will be there for life and that I love her.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are home to see the tree go up with your wonderful children around you, and little Mousse of course. What your friend Dana just wrote was about the most beautiful thing I have ever read. You are loved Robynn,deseveredly so.Enjoy your time with Brian,the kids, and all your wonderful family.They so love you, as do all your ARMY GOODELL.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Dear Robynn,

I am overjoyed that you are home where you belong. With your children, husband and family (Mousse too;o)You know me the crazy animal lover)
Enjoy the chaos that is Decorating! I am thinking of you and yours.


Anonymous said...

I've never met you, but I feel like I know you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. My life and this world are better because of you. Thank you for being you. You have shown me the kind of person I would like to strive to become. I thank you for that and I thank God for allowing me to know you through this blog.

The G Family said...

I came across this blog by chance this morning and I spent all morning reading every entry. I can feel the strength, courage, love, and beauty shining through the words and pictures here. After reading the blog I got in the shower and I was overcome with emotion, tears were just flowing down my face, I asked why???? I don't even know this woman but why has she (and her family) been faced with this. I then wiped my tears and decided to pray. I prayed for strength, comfort, and peace for Robynn and her husband, her children, and her entire family. Being a mother of 2 small chidren myself and battling cancer myself I feel like although we have never met, I feel like I sorta know Robynn. The stories here have touched me so much. She is touching people that she does not even know in an amazing way, what a true angel she is. I will be praying for strength and peace you all and I hope Robynn can enjoy the Christmas tree decorating and music tonight. She is obviously an amazing woman with an amazing family and is surrounded by so much love. I am so happy you are all together with her now and please know I will be thinking of you and thank you today for the gift of gratefulness. I have so much to be grateful for and I thank you for letting me see that today. Robynn, you are beautiful and amazing and may God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I have never met you, but you have inspired me more than words can say. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. You have shown me the person I would like to strive to become. I thank you for that and I thank God for allowing me to know you. You truly are an admirable, amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, brilliant, cool, divine, dynamite, enjoyable, excellent, fabulous, fantastic, fine, groovy, incredible, magnificent, marvelous, miraculous, outstanding, peachy, phenomenal, pleasant, pleasing, prime, remarkable, sensational, something else, staggering, startling, strange, stupendous, super, superb, surprising, swell, terrific, too much, tremendous, unheard-of, wondrous person.

Anonymous said...

Have a special n cozy night with lots of love and no yuckies :)


Anonymous said...

Robynn, I know that the Lord could still do a miracle and return you to full health this side of heaven. Again, it occurs to me, why would we deprive those we love the most from going to be with the Lord in Paradise? I'm praying that you will feel well enough to enjoy your amazing family as they do what you Goodells apparently do best...carry on!

Debbie Doo said...

Dana's letter is so beautiful and I'm thankful she posted it here for us to share. Robynn, enjoy your evening decorating the tree and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas with your family.
Love, Debbie Johnson

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Robynn. May your spirits be lifted by being home with your family. I am so sorry you have to go through this terrible illness. May you be blessed with a restful and non upset tummy night.

Bless you !

Missy Walker

Anonymous said...

Robynn my candle is lit for you tonight. God bless you and your beautiful family. Love you Robynn!!!

Hugs and kisses
Aimee (Butterfield)Trichia

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you tonight as you spend it with your family, decorating the tree and listening to Christmas music. I hope it gives you some peace, joy, and calmness without any yuckies or pain. May you have a restful sleep.

-Kristen W. :)

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Kim Funk's and have followed your journey all along. You have been a true inspiration. I will continue wishing miracles and love your way. I hope that you can find some peace in this holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Dana's letter was so beautiful. I have been trying to find the words I want to say but just get stuck. I really want to try now.
You are such an inspiring woman and have left such an impact on more people than you know. You have made me closer to my family and I thank you for that. You have made me closer to the Lord which is an even greater gift than anything I could possibly want. You have been such a warrior... I admire you so much.
I wish we could've been closer friends but feel lucky to have had you in my life. I won't ever forget your smile and the tight hugs you always gave. Your advice on parenting was good too...You cured my frustrations I had with Lindsey and getting dressed in the mornings last year. You told me to try a reward chart. It only took like 2 days of it before we were getting dressed without a fit.
You will always be here in one way or another. I am so sad I won't get to see you or hear you here but I feel comforted by the fact you are going to be with God.

You have not lost
You have won
On your way to meet the King
Our Heavenly Father
Will show you the way
So long my friend
Until next time

I love you Robynn! Thank you for everything!! Big HUGS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Sweet Robynn ;) I pray you have a peaceful night with the entire family. All my love.

PS - I knew one of those Goodell's would get you that diet vanilla coke, God Bless them all


Anonymous said...


I am not to sure what to say other than welcome home. I am praying for you and your family tonight. I will see you again some day with a big hug

Brad Rose

Anonymous said...

Robynn~ I sure am hoping you are in your chair by now-with Mousse! I KNOW that you are enjoying the Christmas tree & decorations:) My plane leaves Saturday late morning & I will be sure to say hello to all of your angels as we fly in the beautiful sky. Your smile & sparkle will always be a part of me:)
I Love You!
Tina XO

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know what a inspiration you and your whole family have been to me and my family. You have handled this awful disease with such grace, strength, love, courage and most of all Faith. You inspire me to be a better person, take time for the little things in life. By the way, you and Brian don't miss a beat! You are both amazing people. There are days I ponder, now how did they remember that today was "snack" day for the Secret Santa gift exchange in the 4th grade. Sure enough, Brady has his snack, and Jacob (my son) was quite pleased with Brady's selection. I just can't say enough about your commitment to your family, to life and love.

God does have a plan for you where ever that may take you...Miracles do happen; I believe. You are truly an Angel and I pray for your peace and comfort forever and ever.

May God bless you and your family always and keep you in his loving embrace.

Much love,
Jennifer Engstrom

Anonymous said...

Dearest Robynn,
You have been such a "light" for so many, have shared so much of yourself during this battle, and have spread God's love like a beautiful, flowering vine. In my thoughts and prayers for you, I envision your bright, beautiful, always gracious face as it is on this page. I've never seen you any other way! What a true blessing you have been for so many, just being you. An angel among us, as the song says, sent down to us from somewhere up above...to teach us how to live, to teach us how to give, to guide us with the light of love.

Brian, your strength and constant love through unimaginable heartbreak and turmoil, are rare qualities. You, too, surely are an angel, loving and comforting Robynn, granting each wish and whim, and bringing hope and smiles to Army Gooddell, as we prayed for a miracle for your family. How can there be no miracle, not the one we hoped for?

Shelley, you are nothing short of amazing. Your heart is breaking, as well, and always, you are there for Robynn and the family, and for all of us. Please let others care for you, too, during these difficult days.

I continue to pray for all of you, and especially for you, Robynn, to have pure comfort and peace, constantly enveloped in the warmth and security of your precious family, Christmas lights aglow, cozy in your own sweet home.

You are loved, so loved.
Pat Koberg

Anonymous said...

Robynn, I have been thinking of you for so long . . . . I am having a hard time finding the right words to even type. Please just KNOW this . . . every time I think of you, I see a smile. It may have been years since i have "seen" you but I always smile when I think of you!! That, my friend, will never change.

I have kept you and your family in my thoughts, and prayers and will continue to do so!!


Jenn (Salewsky)

Anonymous said...

Good Night Sweet Robynn and Goodell Family. Have a peaceful night and we'll talk again tomorrow. With all our love and prayers.

By His Grace,
The Schlie Family

Matthew is sending more hugs and kisses. Muwah.

Anonymous said...


You are truly an inspiration to all who know you and those who have come to know you through your journey. I am in awe of your amazing husband, family, Shelly, and all of Army Goodall. I am a friend of Jenni's and have met you only a couple of times. I have lost two family members to cancer in the past couple months and your blog has been such a blessing. I am so glad your home surrounded by the most precious people. You and your family are in my constant thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I've never written before, but I just wanted you to know, Robynn and Brian, that I adore seeing your beautiful children every day at school. Thank you for sharing them with OLG. We love them.