Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Special Mass with Father Craig

Knowing how hard Christmas would be for our family and Kelly's, Father Craig made us an offer we could not refuse. A private mass at the Brown's home. We were so grateful that he would honor our families with such a spectacular gift. It was as perfect as it could be. Father Craig was all set up with Robynn's picture on one side of the altar and Kelly's on the other. the Brown's had cleared all the furniture out of their living room and replaced it with folding chairs from the church. Kelly's boys, Spencer and Mason gathered in another room with their cousins, practicing each of their very special parts and Brady and Hailey got ready to lead everyone in the 3 Christmas songs we'd sing with them. It was an indescribable experience to see these beautiful women's children touch our hearts so profoundly. Full of emotion and tears streaming down my face, I felt the pride that Heaven was filled with. I missed them beyond any expression, yet I felt them so near.
In Robynn and Kelly's honor and in honor of Our Saviors birth, we gathered in faith,prayer, song, sorrow and hope. A moment in my life that will impact me always.
Before I left, Kelly's parents and sister Brandy gave me"Pandora's box" charm bracelet with a single "K" charm. I had Father Craig bless it and yesterday I went and added 2 charms. One was a four leaf clover that represented Robynn(my Christmas ornament this year from her was a Christmas tree made out of four leaf clovers) and the second was a bible with a cross that dangled from it. Two women I love so deeply. I often wonder how I will survive without them. The bible sits between them as a reminder of how I must trust in the Lord and obey "His Will". Pray that we all may find a way to be comforted by His great love and promise of His kingdom where Robynn and Kelly await our arrival!

Pray On!


Sheryl said...

Shelley, first of all thank you for always keeping us updated. Even those of us who are "strangers". I want you to know that I am praying for you today. Sometimes the friends are overlooked. (I know you are Robynn's sil but you also are her friend). Friends leave a very big hole. I understand that. Today I pray that God would be so close to you and overwhelm you with His love.

Praying on,

Anonymous said...

Dear Brian and Shelley and kids,
I am so glad that you are home and I will see you on Tues. for which I am so glad is almost here.
I am praying in hope and love for your strength and healing,
Soldier Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

Shelley, your words are so beautiful! Thank you still for keeping Army Goodell up with the happenings! Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

How befitting to have a special mass honoring Robynn & Kelly; and given the fact that Father Craig felt inspired to lead such a special remembrance of two extraordinary souls is meaningful & poignant.

Your words illustrated so beautifully the 'feel' of the gathering...sentimental,loving, and graced by God.

Shelley,I am sure that these profound losses in your life are part of a 'ministry' that you have. Who else could speak to the unique circumstances you have gone through this past year.

You are so eloquent in relating information that I can't help but feel that part of your calling is to 'minister' to people that are going through or have been through similar experiences.

Whatever you are called to do, or however you may move forward in've been a gift to us in sharing the nuances that create relationships of friendship & caring.

Jill West

Anonymous said...

Brian, Shelly and Family,

Thank you for continuing to share with us. I am glad to know that you were able to celebrate Christmas as Father Craig instructed. I continue to pray for you all daily. May you continue to find strength and peace as you begin this next chapter.

Forever Standing Strong,
Kellie Stroud :)

Anonymous said...

Brian, Shelley, & family, I have been thinking of you and praying hard for you to find comfort. The service for Robynn was beautiful. My heart goes out to the Brown family too!! I have and will continue to keep all of you in our prayers. Fr. Craig is so amazing and his words touch your soul. My mom & dad said the mass that he did on Christmas Eve was so touching. I felt so bad because my heart wanted to be there but we do Christmas eve with Tom's family.
Tom's family always says grace before dinner and this year Tom wanted to lead us all in prayer for Robynn, Kelly, Debbie, Jan, my dad and for all who are suffering. It was quite emotional. I just want to say I love you and thank you for being the wonderful people you are.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow as you celebrate Robynn's life with all your family & friends in Sac.
Hugs & Kisses
Liz Haskell