Tuesday, April 8, 2008


An old and dear friend used today's blog title in a recent email to me. Since there is no better description for what I'm going to tell you, I am stealing it!;)
Before I move on, let me tell you I have attempted this blog entry many times but encountered tears so fierce that I couldn't see the keyboard. So here goes! (again;)

I stand "IN AWE" of a community that has wrapped Robynn and her family in love and support!
I stand "IN AWE" of friends and family that "Stand Strong" to help keep Robynn and Brian upright!
I stand "IN AWE" of a 3rd grade classes determination to help a fellow classmates family and setting a goal of $1ooo and instead raised $2500.00 selling lollipops!
I stand "IN AWE" of witnessing all 12 chairs at the blood drive NEVER empty and at least 20 people waiting to fill them!
I stand "IN AWE" of a bake sale that could not have represented Robynn's love of baking any better!
I stand "IN AWE" of a silent auction thats donations outstretched across OLG's corridor and raised over $5000.00!
I stand "IN AWE" of strangers driving by and seeing a simple sign reading "Blood Drive" and chose to help our cause!
I stand "IN AWE" of a husbands devotion that supersedes all else!
I stand "IN AWE" of a "Village" that has lifted up my brother, Robynn, Brady and Hailey and has chosen hope and action over despair!
I stand "IN AWE" of prayers that continue to flow from our hearts and into Gods hands!
I stand "IN AWE" of my Dear Sweet Robynn who has handled this burden with grace and a smile!

I cannot begin to express my families feelings right now...
Just know; "our cup is overflowing"

Love to All,


Anonymous said...

Shelley this message is as beautiful as you are! I am in "awe" of you! You're an angel on earth!

God bless and lots of love to all!

Anonymous said...

I SECOND THAT!!!! A very small part of me (not sure which part that is, being that most of my parts are bigger than need be) wishes that I had waited to read this until after I took luch up to Ryan's class...in 5 minutes...the tears are-a-flowing!! But they are tears of joy and hope!! so that is all good :) You guys are writing such an amazing and inspirational story...I just don't have the words to describe the feeling it gives me to hear your words, Shelley. Your family and what you all are going through and how you all have turned and faced God and asked for guidance and strength, and how you affer him all the glory...it is just simply AMAZING! Thank you Robynn, thank you Brian, thank you Shelley for letting us all join you on this ride! I still just picture that verizon commercial...with Robynn standing there with her HUGE network...And we are all saying...."CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW????"
I think HE does!!!
so much love coming at you guys!
Thank you...and God Bless you!!
Now...BIG HUGS!!! That is another order :)
Brandy...and, well, ran out of time to splash some make up on...so off to embarrass Ryan...again :) Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Verizon Network commercials - yes - exactly! That's how it is and it has SPREAD! Everyone loves Robynn - what more can we say :)

Anonymous said...

All of you personify grace! We are all in "Awe" of each one of you--leading by example the phrase 'what would Jesus do'...you all are pure faith in action.

Continued blessings & prayers!!!
Jill West

Anonymous said...

This chain of events unfolding God's love and spirit has changed us all - forever.

Anonymous said...

How true how this chain of events unfolding God's love and spirit has changed us all.I am stronger in my prayer life and and I will forever be deeply touched by your strength and reliance on our Lord.I am proud of our community and all the wonderful hearts understanding the needs and stepping up to the plate to get the help done.Shelly I am so grateful that you could put into words how I feel.I love you and keep the up-dates coming.
Brian and Robynn keepyour eyes upwards and know how much I love you,Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

I stand in awe at the courage of Robynn to carry this burden, not knowing its purpose, but daring to ask why, while totally relying on faith, friends, and fearlessness, to get through this. I stand in awe at the support of a family who has not left her side during this test, and who all deserve A's for passing the test of support. I stand in awe at how one person, not famous by stardom, not known by the world, but yet one who is loved by so many, and has shown that she has touched so many hearts, and can bring together so many, to fight this battle with her. I stand in awe at amazing Robynn. I stand in awe, and pray that all of us, especially Robynn, will continue to STAND STRONG!

Unknown said...

I have been really enjoying what others have had to say the last few days on the blog. It is all so true. Robynn, God loves you so much that He chose you to bare this burden in order to save and change so many. Now, I'm sure you would rather someone else carry this; I know I would have, but, just know, He has a purpose for all of this and I am so looking forward to receive the news of when your scan will reveal no cancer! You continue to stand strong; know we are also standing strong in honor of you and your family.

Following is a scipture I found that just reminded me of you and your journey you are currently on.

And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5: 2-5

Lord, we are so thankful for your Holy Spirit and the hope that we continue to have because of the example of Robynn, her family, friends and community. We are looking forward to the complete healing you have in store for her! Be with us today and everyday. :)

Make it a great day everyone!

Anonymous said...

All of us sometime in our life have that one friend that touches us deep within our soul. Robynn has been that person for me. I met her 8 short months ago when Brady started as a 3rd grader in my class.

She is a person you are drawn too, in awe at, and strive to be like. She inspires me everyday (even from her hospital bed) to be a spiritual, kind, caring, loving, and giving person. There isn't a minute that goes by that I don't think about how unfair it is for such a beautiful, young, spirited, mother and wife to suffer as she has. I look at her son and am saddened at how little he can comprehend what his mother is going through.

I feel it is my duty to help in any way I can. Therefore, I will continue to do what it takes to help the Goodell family, even if I have to sell 10,000 lollipops! I can honestly say, Robynn you have changed my outlook on life and made me a better person. I can't even put into words how to thank you for that.

Much Love,
Vanessa (AKA "The Lollipop Lady)