Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Whata Week!

Robynn's blood levels are so good that they will not recheck her until she goes in for "Round 3" of Chemo. She has struggled with nausea and vomiting, but has not let that keep her down. She got to go starbucks to visit with friends and hear 1st hand all about the Blood Drive/Silent Auction etc. While there, they let her know what a TERRIFIC success it was and Robynn was touched by the EXTREME efforts made in her honor.
Tuesday she worked in Brady's classroom for a little over an hour and was presented with the "Lollipop $":) Today, even after "tossin her cookies" she was determined to fulfill her duty to work in Hailey's class and as you might have guessed....she made it!
She has had so much fun this week with flying kites, going to baseball and just being a family! We know Monday is not far away and this nasty cycle will start over, but we must give Praise for the Blessings she has received!

"Army Goodell", you NEVER cease to amaze me!
Pray On!


Anonymous said...

This is the best news I've had all day! Keep enjoying everything Robynn!

Keep doing what you're doing and know we're with you every step of the way.



Tonya Sandoval said...

The West Sac gang is sure taking good care of you! I loved seeing all of the pictures from the blood drive. What a great event. It is no surprise to me that people are willing to give so much of themselves on your behalf. It truly speaks to the type of person you are. Your "people" recognize and appreciate how special you are and jump at the chance to support you and your family. Hope you have a good Thursday with no more nausea!!!
Tonya Sandoval & Family

Anonymous said...

Hailey, you're right - she is supermom! She's also superwife, superdaughter, supersister, superniece, superaunt and superfriend! Potato Head, you are super-woman! We are so proud of you and amazed at how you find your strength. But then, you've always been amazing....not just a pretty face. We love you!
Aunt Jill, Uncle Mitch and Frannie dog!

Anonymous said...

Good night sweet princess. Hugs to all of the Goodells from your "biggest" fans. The Mac Family

Anonymous said...

Robynn I AM SO THRILLED THAT YOU GOT TO BE IN THE KIDS CLASSES(where you belong)I pray for your tummy to not be so upset and that your week finishes out with nothing but love and good strength.The slide show is AWESOME-thank you Dana for all your love and time with that camera.Sleep tight. I love you all,Miss Denise

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing awesome! That is so good to hear. I saw Rascal Flatts last night in concert and couldn't help but think of you when they played "STAND." Wish you could have been there, it was so powerful to hear.

STAND strong and know we are praying and thinking of you everyday!

Love you,
Monica and Anthony

Anonymous said...


Got a prayer request for our AWESOME prayer chain! Samantha Rankin (daughter of Krys and Kevin,Sister of Sydney, neice of Sue and Jeff and Grandaughter of Glenda) is very ill! Her body stopped producing platlets...Her count was down to 0. She has been diagnosed with a condition called ITP. Her count is going back up but it is still dangerously low. Some people with ITP do get better but sometimes ITP stays with them their entire life. She will be 16 next month.

Pray on soilders!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to work in the classrooms! How fun!!
Sending you lots of love!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bean...

Once again my inbox is full of emails from people who want to volunteer at your poker tournament. People are coming out of the dark from high school too! Below are just a few people who have donated or volunteered. You might remember some of these names (actually knowing you - you'll remember them all!)...

Ryan Bailey
Thom Chacon
Dave Dudley
Rob Garcia
Dax Groves
Jennie Guthrie
Ian Hatata
Justin Ludington
Mike Maniscalco
Clint Miller
Tracy Randall
Jenny Robinson
Schauleh Sahba
Chad Schoenthal
Michelle Williams

Just sharin' the love...

Kerrie :)

p.s. I miss you so much! Can't wait to come back to California :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,
We are so proud of you and the progress you are making. God has truly blessed you. It is terrific that you were able to spend some time helping in Brady and Hailey's classes. We are keeping you in our prayers daily.
We love you.
Uncle Bob and Aunt Marcy

Anonymous said...

Hey Robynn

Right on with your numbers and that you were able to be a part of Brady and Haley's classrooms. Madison is always asking to go on your blog to see pictures and watch the videos. Tonight Madison asked if she could leave something on the blog from her. Here are Madison and Vincent's words to you. Keep being strong. Our thoughts are with you.

I want Robynn to feel better. Vincent, Age 2

I love you! I hope you are feeling better soon. I hope you had fun volunteering in your kids' classrooms.

Madison, Age 5

Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

Hi, Robynn,

Just wishing and praying for calm seas for you...
Hoping for your continued strength.
You always inspire me to be better than I am.

Thank you.
With love, Michelle Rinehart