Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Savored Sunny Saturday!

She made it to mass yesterday and ate a nice little lunch out on the patio. We sat outside and took in some rays while watching Brady and Hailey play with water balloons. She continued to battle the "yuckies" later in the day but took it like a champ!
This morning was a little rocky, but she made it to the kids baseball game and got to see Brady bring his sister "home" with a base hit among other extremely exciting plays! She even got to visit with her "West Sac girls" Dina, Dana,Victoria, Amy, Nicole and Kim.
We are now back at home, BBQ'ing,making homemade pizza and hangin out. Robynn got pampered with a pedicure from her niece Madison with fancy flowers on her big toes! Quite snazzy! She's now in the back yard watching Hailey hit baseballs.

Please continue to pray that she is without pain and at peace!

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Just call me a happy girl! I was lucky enough to get a double whammy today... first of all, I got my wish! I wished for Robynn to have some wonderful sunshiney moments with her family and I GOT MY WISH - yahoo! But the double is that I saw her in action AND got a great big tight squeeze out of the deal - okay so THAT made my whole weekend! Yucky tummy - stay away and let this continue!!! Thanks for the awesome HUG girl! (Even if I WAS on the opposing baseball team's side! ha-ha!) Love ya!
Want to mention to everyone two quick things - 1) the big POKER event is just a week away! Yahoo! But you'd better jump on it - only a few tickets left! and 2) we have changed the format of the fundraising blog to include some other fun ways to "support" Robynn, so please click on the link on the right of this blog to join in on the fun! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND GOODELL FAMILY and EVERYONE reading!
:) Kim

Tonya Sandoval said...

What a great day for you and your family. We are all looking forward to hearing about many more of those. Hope you have some relief from the yucky tummy stuff soon. Keep your head up. We love you.
Tonya Sandoval & Family

Anonymous said...

Kiddos, great game! Hailey, I loooove the pink glove you little tomboy.

Brady, I will be at the games every chance that I can.

The Eknes clan loves The Goodell's because ya'll ROCK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Goodell Clan!
Sounds like a wonderful day!! Yeah!! I can't wait to squeeze our girl too Kim!!!
Robynn, I know you're going to get through this, so hang in there! It won't be long now!! :)
Is it just me and my having stared at the wedding picture of Robynn and Brian over and over again, but I swear the sky behind and to the left of Robynn looks like a profile with a wreath around the forehead? Does anyone else see this? Or maybe its the low lighting in here? I feel like its a sign that Robynn is going to beat this!
Lots of love and prayers to all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the precious moments.
Our thoughts are with you!
Much health and love!
Corey and Barley Parrish

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you again...Looking so good and having the entire family around, beautiful day....A good day!
Love, Stina

Anonymous said...

HUGS are AMAZING!!!! I did not get one...BUT we all can live through all ya all's hugs :) KEEP IT GOING!!!! WE are still a praying and a praying and love to hear of Robynn having some good family time :) Still thinkiing of you everyday!!!
God bless you guys!!!....All of you out there in Robynn FanLand!

Anonymous said...

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
So happy you had a nice day Robynn! I hope to see you soon!
Love, Emilie

Unknown said...

Good Evening Goodell Family ~

I was so encouraged to hear about your wonderful family fun this weekend! GOOD FOR YOU KEEP IT UP! : ) We will certainly pray on the nausea thing ~ I know you are so ready for that to go away.

Wanted to share a story with you. This past week we were blessed to have a visit from our friend and her family who came to see her husband graduate from the CHP (California Highway Patrol) Academy. He had been in the academy for 6 ½ months and on Friday he finally got his badge. I wasn’t able to go to the graduation, however, Myron was. Myron said it was quite impressive, for sure! I was looking at the graduation program and inside was the class motto. It was FORTITUDINE VINCIMUS. (say that 10 time fast!) I was really interested as to what this meant. Our friend’s husband said it means “Victory Through Perseverance” . . . again, that word, perseverance! Well, I immediately thought of you and I told him I was going to share that with you. He thought that was awesome! He shared something about his experience, which I felt also reminded me of you.

He went into the academy thinking it was going to be tough, but, since he had been in the military for 12 years, he felt he could handle it. However, once in, he realized how much more difficult it was, so much more than he ever expected. There were times that he felt he may just want to give up and quit! And, in fact, he saw many others drop out! However, every weekend when he went home to his family, he felt encouraged and some how found the courage to endure another week. He just took each day as it came and in the end, he finally made it! He graduated and received FORTITUDINE VINCIMUS!! (Victory through Perseverance)

I got a little teary eyed because this is exactly where we are at in your journey. I know this is so difficult and at times unbearable, (and for me all the time . . .unbelievable! ~ as I find myself questioning at times, Why?) You came into this fight so strong, knowing this was going to be tough. You, (or should I say We) found out during this battle how tough it really is. Feeling discouraged at times, you continue to find that inner-strength and perseverance through your incredible husband, children, and family! Now, we must take one day at a time, and each day as it comes. In the end, I know you will also receive FORTITUDINE VINCIMUS!

Have I told you lately how much you inspire me?? I love you friend! Continue to Stand, and when you feel you need a rest, go ahead and sit, but Keep Holding On because that is when we will Stand for you ~ VICTORY THROUGH PERSERVERANCE!

Sending many hugs to all of you! Sweet dreams : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn...Thinking of you. Hope the rest of your weekend was wonderful. As I scan these pictures of the 'old days' I am smiling BIG. You are the best friend a girl could have Bean :) I told Sean that wherever I'd were always there too. That's how it worked right? What a pair we were. Remember Dax's campaign to get us voted "Best Couple"...hehehe.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Goodells!
I hope you all are having a great morning! I can't wait for Robynn to finish the treatments so she can feel great all of the time! Robynn will be healed, maybe not in a conventional way, but it will happen in time! Keeping the faith and trying to be patient! :) Love to all!!
Lots of love, hugs, and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend,(aside from the tummy turnovers)...but all in all--sounds nice! Glad to read any updates on the Blog...take care Goodell's one and all!!! Miss Robynn, I am praying for full appetite and lack o'nausea.
With love & friendship,
Jill West