Saturday, April 5, 2008


I cannot begin to put into words how INCREDIBLE yesterday was. You all are truly AMAZING!!! Your Prayers, Love, Support, and Generosity towards Robynn and my family is so far beyond anything could have ever imagined, and I cannot begin to thank you enough.

I could not stop telling Robynn about the event; all the people who we knew that were there and how there were so many others we'd never met. I told her about people just coming up to say they were praying for her and others saying thank you for putting this event together (which I am the first to admit I had absolutely zero to do with this, I just had the honor of showing up and taking it all in) so they could be apart of supporting someone as special as Robynn and meeting other people who feel so strongly towards my Beautiful Bride! I told her about the people giving blood for the first time, the women breezing through and multiple men passing out. I told her about all the donated auction items and baked goods, which she was really disappointed to miss.

I talked until she fell asleep, then I woke her up and talked some more. Finally around midnight I figured I should let her get her rest. But I have to tell you I did not sleep a wink all night. I just kept thinking about what just took place and how so many people came together in Honor of My Wife! Don't get me wrong I am not surprised, but definitely AMAZED! Someone once told me "People Will do Amazing things for Amazing People!" well last night and over the past few months I couldn't agree more with that statement!

You all are Amazing!


Anonymous said...

Never forget that you are all amazing people! You have really taken a place in our hearts. It was so apparent yesterday the impact you guys have made in people's lives!
Stand strong!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,
What a beautiful message!(See Shelley, now I'm crying!) I was so focused on our task at hand yesterday, there wasn't time for tears! I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to say hi, Brian. I saw you had plenty of visitors :) so I thought I could best serve as baked goods patron (Kim's cheesecake is by far the best I've ever had, and the cinnamon streusel bread and banana bread were also just as incredible) and table monitor! :)
Thank you to everyone who helped us! We secured several poker players for the next fundraiser, our tournament, and quite a few people are heading to BJs on Mon. to help! And thank you to everyone who bought a children's book!
What a great group of people you all are! Robynn is certainly blessed as we are to have her in our lives!
I look forward to seeing you all again at the Tournament!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was an amazing day. To be around so many people that have such a high regard for Robynn was wonderful. It's a testament for who Robynn is.

Thank you for letting us do a small part.

Robynn, you again brought more and more people together. Not only that, you made it a day where Darren, Kevin & I can have a lifetime bond for our first blood donation! Kevin is still the odd ball as he didn't come close to passing out like Darren and I. ;-)

I could go on and on about the people I met and the support that was there. But, I think the best part of the day for me was meeting Brian and getting a "mistaken identity" hug from your son. Boy does he have a hug!

Talk to you soon!



Anonymous said...

I was on the blog all day yesterday, just waiting to hear about the day. Wow! I knew that there was way too much going on for us to get info right away. Next time maybe you can get a video feed hooked up to the blog....Can you work on that please?? We were so very bummed to miss the wonderul event. You are so right Brian, there are some very special people out there doing some very special things for some AMAZINGLY SPECIAL people!! Brian, it is so overwhelmingly apparent that there are so many people who hold you and Robynn and your family in such high regard! You are such an inpiration to so many. You are a TRUE LOVE STORY!!! Thank you for that. We love you guys, we love your family, and we love your amazing friends, those who we have never met, but who we feel like we are getting to know through their blogs and their determination to get you guys through this tough time. You have brought so many people together and ...well, you guys (and Gals :) ) are just truly amazing!!!So very glad to hear of the wonderful day yesterday. Robynn, give that husband of yours one big, HUGE squeeze. He is so in love and it is just so ...AWESOME!!!! Soulmates :) We love you and pray for you!!!!
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Robynn,Brian and Kiddos,
When I came into view of OLG yesterday-I could not believe my eyes.There was no room to park and I was overwhelmed by how wonderful W.Wac still is.I have been here over 25 yrs. and the blood drive truly is one the most blessed events I have ever been apart of.You have touched so many lives with your outlook and your testimony of your faith -is amazing.
Brian my dear friend I was so grateful to finally give you a hug.Stay strong and take care of yourself because you are sooo loved and needed.
Shelly-my blog hero.I am so HAPPY and GRATEFUL to finally get to meet you and give you the hugs that I have held just for you.You are so special to me and I know the others who depend on the wonderful up-dates.Please keep them coming.
May God keep you restful and full of strength to keep fighting.
Praying on and looking up-wards is where you'll find me.
I love you all,Miss Denise