Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bad, Bad Chemo!

Our girl was doing just fine when she started with today's treatment...she was writing "Thank You" notes...texting "funnies" and then WHAM! She got hit with the "yuckies". She had a bad reaction to the Tax(spelt it wrong in past blog) part of Gem/Tax. She felt like she couldn't breathe, they gave her oxygen and then she started vomiting. They stopped the chemo, administered IV Benadryl and restarted her chemo at a slower rate. That Benadryl has been a good friend to Robynn on multiple occasions!
Brian ran off to get her something to eat in hopes she will be hungry when she gets done.
Please Lord, let that be the case!!!!!!!!!!!

Pray On!


Anonymous said...

Oh Robynn,

You are my hero...I'm serious! Sending you LOTS of HUGS and Prayers!

Always thinking of you,

christine Booth said...

Hang in there Robynn, sorry your sick, I hope the slower pass helps and the benadrly as well. I'll check back in after school my prayers are being said
love Chrisitne Booth

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Robynn! You'll get through this!
Please God, cure Robynn of the cancer in comfort!! Let her body be free of this disease and back to 100% healthy!! Please help her feel better and stop the pain, nausea and vomiting!! Please help her eat!! We all love her so much and can't bear to see her in such misery!! Please, Lord, hear our prayers! We ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Fight Robynn fight!!
I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,
My name is Jaclyn I am one of Madi's friends. I have been hearing alot about you from Madi and I just wanted to say be STRONG and don't give up! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better. We've been praying and thinking about you all day. I hope the rest of the day just keeps getting better and better for you.

And, I must say that Emma wears her "Robynn" necklace every day and tells everyone at school that it's very special because it's about her "mommy's cousin." I cherish my bracelet just as much!

Not that we need any reminders to think about you or pray for all of you, but it's nice to carry you with us in a symbolic way each and every day.


Michelle H.
(Emma too)

Anonymous said...

We pray for you to get your appetite back. Please be hungry and be able to eat whatever ggod things Brian brings you to eat :) We are praying for you! I know you must be so tired of all of this Robynn, but you hang in there! Try to find strength through all of us who love you! We will pray and pray and pray!
Standing with you in prayer!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Robynn,

My name is Kellie Stroud. I am Denise Mayberry's sister and Auntie to Gracie and Mia. I have been so moved by you and your battle. I continue to hold you and your family up in prayer daily. Actually, several times a day! You are inspiring to those around you. You are truly a witness for the Lord and are touching so many; so many that may have never believed or prayed. STAND STRONG, because the enemy will try to knock you down. STAND STRONG because we are all holding onto you! I have enlisted my mother in law to add you to her prayer chain. She is a warrior for the Lord. Below is an email she sent me regarding an online ministry taking place in Florida. It is powerful. Miracles happen-and the Lord heals. I look forward to meeting you in the near future! My sister says we have very similar personalitites and would hit it off.

Much love and prayers,
Kellie Stroud

*email below sorry for the long message**


She needs to go on and watch Todd Bently's out pouring going on in Lakeland, Florida and watch what the Lord is doing there it is powerful. The Lord is healing all kinds of diseases. People are pouring in from all over the country to be touched by the Lord. You do not have to be there to get healed the Lord knows no walls and is not restricted by time and space. He can come right into Robynn Goodell space!!! She would have her spirits lifted. The schedule is on the web site and if she has a computer she can watch it live.

Blessings we will be praying


----- Original

Anonymous said...

Hi, S:
Is the Tax Taxotere? Hang in there Robynn! Health, health, health...
Barley and Corey

Anonymous said...

let's all pray Robynn will eat and feel much better this evening for a good night's sleep!

Anonymous said...


Praying for hearty appetite and well deserved rest.. sweet dreams!
Thinking of you and your family always.


Anonymous said...

Keep hanging in there, we all have been thinking of your big smile and outgoing personality. We hope you start feeling better, keep it up and stay strong. We miss you and love you dearly. YOU CAN DO THIS :]

Were thinking of you & your in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robynn,

I hope you start feeling better soon. You continue to inspire us everyday with your strength and zest for life. I'm so happy that Kerrie could come from Seattle to be here for the in Poker Party. I know it's been so hard for her being so far away from you. Stay strong and continue to inspire all of your followers.

Love, Alexis Kuhl

Anonymous said...

Tammy, Cole and I are keeping you in our prayers. We hope the slower rate of chemo will be more gentle and the Benadryl comforting.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I pray for you to be free of the yuckies,and that you can eat eat and eat some more. Brian I hope you are getting some rest and Shelly you et some rest as well.
Sleep tight and know that I am praying in love and hope.
Miss Denise

buzymomx5 said...

Hi Robynn!
I continue to pray for you daily. I just got my bracelet the other day and WOW! it is so beautiful. I wear it everyday and it helps keep you close in my thoughts. We love you and my kids, especially Isaiah, ask about you often. He prays for you every night and his whole sunday school class prays together for you.

I pray that you feel better, eat well and be well rested.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Dear Robynn,

I'm sure by now, you realize how many people are praying for you and know you will beat this. I've been so touched by your journey and the resilience you have displayed. I have also been inspired by the love and support of the incredible people in your life...Shelley for her unwaivering commitment to providing updates, your family for their vigilant dedication, your circle of close friends who have rallied together, and the many faithful "fans" on your blog. Kerrie has been AMAZING in coordinating the volunteers for the Poker Tournament and I'm so looking forward to seeing all of these wonderful people on Saturday. I hope you know how rare and truly remarkable it is to have this sort of impact on so many people, Robynn. You are amazing and you will beat this! I want to be like you when I grow up! (Oh wait...we graduated the same year...oh well!) :)
